Violins in rock music?

by blacksheep 25 Replies latest social entertainment

  • hillary_step
    One musician started the electric violin in rock music. The very great JeanLucPonte. I saw him live with the Mahavishnu Orchestra w/ John Mc somebody who played a double neck quitar.

    Jean Luc Ponty is indeed a mesmeric performer who came to rock via the Classics and then Jazz in the late 60's. Arguably some of the blues / jazz violinists who who had been playing electrified style violins ( like Sugercane Harris and Michael White ) predated Ponty in taking the solo violin to the front of the stage. Michael White for example was laying down some interesting work in this line in the mid 60's. His work with John Handy, though recorded over 35 years ago is still every bit as inspiring.

    The guitarist you refer to is John MacLaughlin, whose early work I much enjoyed and particularly liked his work with Joe Farrell, especially 'Follow Your Heart' with the amazing Tony Oxley on drums. Worth hunting for.

    Incidentally Ponty put down an album with Al Di Meola and Stanley Clark, 'Rite Of Strings' I think it was called which is truly superb. The mix on this album was perfect.He needs other writers to add dimensions to his own work which can begin to sound very similar after a while. Zappa did some interesting writing for him in the late 60's.

    Best regards - HS

  • DakotaRed

    If you really want to hear violins and such in Rock music, you should listen to the Beatles "Eleanor Rigby."

    As for the Dipsie Chicks, old news, a flash in the past. I wish them well in their new endeavors.

  • wednesday

    Meat Loaf often has a full orchesrtra. He has some ot the most versitile music in rock, right up there wikth Queen. HIs fans, call it rock opera.

  • xjw_b12

    Well all they need to do now is add saxaphones.............then they can have both sax and violins in their music......LOL

    animated gif

  • Nosferatu

    Electric Light Orchestra all the way! Some bands (like ELO) can make violins work very well in rock music, but some bands (like Green Day) fail miserably.

  • funkyderek
    Let's see. Didn't we have some sort of post-anti-Bush discussion about how they were making MORE money since their ill-fated comments? I seem to remember Michael Moore quoting those stats...

    Heh. Never ever believe a word that comes out of Michael Moore's mouth. Ever.

  • Gadget
    violence in rock music?

    LOL. I love rock music when there is classical instruments in them, such as the piano in everscence. And I've been to see the levellers a few times, they use the violin a lot.

  • Nosferatu
    I love rock music when there is classical instruments in them

    ....then there's Metallica. *BARF*

  • rocketman

    Here's my analysis of the Dixie Chicks: The two on the end are hot and the one in the middle (Natalie, I guess) is, well, not as hot. I don't listen to their stuff, I just look at the bookends.

  • xjw_b12

    Yeah Roctetman, but Natalie, is the one who has the suitcase full of toys !

    Besides, who would pass up a menage a trois plus 1

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