Polyester skirts and recipe cards

by joannadandy 20 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • freein89

    oops, lets try that again.



  • Abaddon

    One of the first No.4 talks (or was it number 5? The one based on one of the Borgs nasty little rags) I did, I read the article in the WT it came from, decided I didn't like it, and did another one 'by mistake' from the same magazine I did like.

    Given I though the Creation account was silly when I was 8 (and raised a Witness), I'm amazed I was in so long...

    ... just shows you what a high control group it is...

  • yxl1
    talesin: Try wearing pantyhose in JULY!!!

    Is that a dare?

  • calamityjane

    thanks for the memories.


  • Jim_TX

    Okay... yeah, giving a #4... or was it #5 talk wasn't as tough as youse gals had to go through... and I remember trying to 'help' my older sisters try to contrive some sort of lame setting...

    But! Standing up there babbling to an audience who probably didn't care a twit what you were talking about (well, I know I didn't), and make 'eye contact', and read notes, and try to remember whether the book of Hosea was in the bible... sheesh!

    Oh yeah... by the way... I was a master of the 'Thursday Night Miracles'. I usually just glanced at the assignment when it was handed to me, and then only looked up the info on the Thursday eve prior to walking into the hall. *shrug* I always hated studying - whether it was the JWs or High School. Had a photographic memory that I used to assist me at times to get by.

    Actually, I used those 5 minutes to try to break up the monotony of the evening. Those folks were waaaaaay too serious. (Ponders... maybe THAT's why I never made MS.)


    Jim TX

  • xjw_b12
    And now I hear if you get the Bible reading, you don't even have to comment on it, you literally JUST READ it. What a freakin cake walk that is!!

    What, no comment on the Bible reading? Where's the fun in that?

    Song of Solomon 7 3 Your breasts are like two fawns,
    twins of a gazelle.

    Song of Solomon 7 8 I said, "I will climb the palm tree;
    I will take hold of its fruit."
    May your breasts be like the clusters of the vine,
    the fragrance of your breath like apples,

    Song of Solomon 8Friends
    8 We have a young sister,
    and her breasts are not yet grown.
    What shall we do for our sister
    for the day she is spoken for?

    xjw_b12, recalling fondly, the bible readings from "the Song of Solomon"

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    I used to tremendously enjoy giving talks that beat around the bush till the end when I'd tie the whole subject up in a neat little package with a moral to the story...it drove the elders CRAZY!!! I was kinda like the kid in the Family Circle cartoon in the funny papers, whose travels all over the neighborhood finally brought him back to where he was supposed to go in the first place....

    One memorable night, I was giving a talk....on stage....with an elder's daughter as my "householder".....it was a talk about Joseph and his brothers in Egypt, when they did not know yet who he was.....I talked about Joseph's possible thoughts and considerations as he viewed his brothers secretly from behind a screen.....and how a happy reunion was finally effected by him after thinking things through.....little did I know that the elder's daughter was adopted and had been considering whether or not to contact her birth mother....and wondering whether she should give her birth mother even a chance to get to know her....I did my usual "beating around the bush" with the talk and eventually drew it to its intended conclusion.....The elder, who knew of his daughter's indecision over her birth mother, was also the conductor of the meeting.....he stood when I was through.....and told me in front of the congregation how he hadn't believed I was going to actually be able to tie the whole routine together, but that I had surprised him and done a splendid job....I was totally embarrassed to find out afterward from his daughter....that my talk had helped her make her decision about her birth mother and how closely it had come to paralleling her own feelings about their relationship....had I known how sensitive the subject was to them, I would not have presented it that way, cause I really don't like getting in other ppls business uninvitedly......

    Scuse me for rambling on so....but it wound up being one of the best things I felt that I accomplished as a JW.....later the daughter got preggers and had to get married to a young bro....and her Dad stepped down from being an elder cause I think he was fooling around with someone other than his wife.....and then became inactive.....

    Frannie B

  • MoeJoJoJo

    What about when you were householder for those sisters (usually pioneers) who wanted to make the setting seem more natural, so decided to have you both stand the entire talk like you were at the door? Once, the sister even went so far as to knock on the microphone and I had to pretend to open a door. I so hated having to stand the whole talk and you had to turn your body in such an awkward way so that you partially faced the audience, while still trying to look at the other sister and juggle your notes and read from the Bible when she handed it to you.

    I still have nightmares once in a while (even tho I've been out for two years) that I'm at the KH and I forgot that I had a talk until the brother announces that the next talk will be given by me and asks for my counsel slip. I don't know why I still dream about that.

  • MoeJoJoJo

    And you're definitely right about the second school, it felt like everyone could read your notes from where they were sitting, or sometimes standing. Sometimes it would be real crowded because some new person or little kid was giving their first talk.

  • talesin


    yes, and I want proof!! Picture must be posted.

    (marking my 2004 calendar)


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