What do you think of Hummers? (and spare me the obvious jokes)

by DanTheMan 48 Replies latest jw friends

  • teenyuck

    SadElder, I live in RichVille, USA, aka New Albany, Ohio. Average home price here is approximately $500,000. The people that live here are employed by The Limited, Abecrombie & Fitch, are attorneys, doctors, professors and other professionals.

    Here is a link to the local real estate company:


    Les Wexner, who owns The Limited, purchased most of the former farmland of a tiny town called New Albany, outside Columbus, OH, created a golf course, demanded that only Georgian style homes be built to exact standards and prices be set high.....Lo and behold all of his high priced employees turned around and gave all the bonus and stock option money back that he gave them!! Gotta admit....the guy is a genius. (All of this was done in the last 12 years. The town had 300 residents 10 years ago, now it has 4400)

    These same employees are rude, arrogant, demanding and just plain mean spirited. I live in the slums of the area. Our average home price is $380,000. I live across the street from the Georgian stuff....we are literally considered in the *bad part* of town.

    The people that I encounter in my daily bike rides would run me over in a heart beat. Their over indulged children do not work at the local grocery store that is 1/2 block away from the HS....they are too good for that. They drive to school in BMWs and Mercedes and the poor kids are in brand new VWs......Honestly, when you encounter these newly rich people, you realize how truly *poor* they are.

    Hummers are very common in this *neighborhood*....if you can call it that. That is why it is so funny to see this thread....I do agree that the folks who have these are doing it to make a point.....*mine is bigger than yours*....and I don't mean engine. They are greedy, materialistic, etc. They really are not nice. I deal with lots of them in business and the superficial phoniness of them is too much sometimes. I have to bite my tongue when asked why I live where I do....they imply I live in a slum!!!!

    However, I am glad they are *wealthy*. If were not for them and their wealth, I would not be doing what I am doing.....getting my own nest egg in order. Same with my husband. The rich people buy his companies products, so I am glad they are willing to open their wallets and indulge their expensive tastes.

    I just wish they would drive slower as I ride my bike around the golf course.....(that is as close as I get to it, in spite of my car not being a beater...)

  • DanTheMan


    You know I used to attend the Gahanna cong back when I was a dub, and New Albany was part of the territory. I had no idea what to say to those people living in those palaces. I felt like such a total nerd at their doors. Glad I don't have to deal with that humiliation anymore. So they think your 300k-per-house neighborhood is the slums, eh? I'm in a third world country as far as those people are concerned! LOL

    I get annoyed at the boom-boom car stereos and Harley Davidson idolizers in my neighborhood, but I guess every neighborhood has its annoyances. There's probably a fairly constant percentage of a**holes across every social strata.

    I know what you mean though, wealthy people are what make the economic world turn. But for somebody to buy a Hummer for their daily 10 mile commute across well-paved roads, that reveals IMHO a cartoonish, laughable materialism.

  • MrMoe

    I want one silver Jag and one Black one.

  • SadElder


    Oh I know the people you mean. The so called rich bitches. A pock on all their houses. I know the town of which you speak and happen to know some of those cads from New Albany and their penis envy mentality. I really think Hummers are part of that. (No offense to the "normal" people who have them)

    You must be doing fairly well if you live in an area of $380,000 homes. Maybe you live across from these $380,000 homes or maybe you have a littlle house or so those idiots you mention may think. Too bad for them. Enjoy what you have. Probably you'll have money in the bank long after these "new money" people file bankruptcy. Let them eat their hearts out.

    It is sad to think that the so called well heeled are so often just that heels. The acedemians in their infinite wisdom all too often create these class inidcators. You know the ones I mean. Oh I went to William and Mary, I went to Yale, I went to Harvard, I went to Georgetwon, and so on and so on ad nauseum. My own academic record and my riches (some inherited somae earned) will make some of these people envious and I love to play the pauper and let them discover on their own that I can probably buy the mortgage on their house if I wanted too. It's such fun sometimes. BTW in the area in which we live, houses start at $500K and above.

    We taught our children from an early age not to be rich brat snobs. And I think we did a pretty good job of it. Though I've spoiled all three of them in so many ways, they really are fine people, with real insight and justice and wisdom in their hearts. I'd have tanned their butts good, if when they were younger, I caught them being rich ass snobs.

    So hold you head up high and give those jerks in the Hummers the finger as they drive by. And have a nice laugh at their expense. You're worth a lot more than they are, you have character.

  • freedom96

    I agree, character is what it is all about. Just because one has money, does not make them jerks. They were jerks before they made money.

    I have several friends that are among the most wealthy in the country, and they have the biggest hearts, and truely care about people. So making money simply does not go with being a jerk.

    If I went ahead and bought a Hummer, it would be because, I actually do like they way they look, and they are safer than most cars. But, I am a nice guy, and no matter how poor or wealthy I am, I will have the same attitude towards others. If someone is nice, I am nice back. If someone is a jerk to me or my family, then I don't back down.

    It is too bad that there are those who have to think that they are better than everyone else. But, we can just be thankful that we are not them.

  • Bendrr

    After reading all the posts so far I have to say this. SUV's themselves aren't the problem, even though the Hummer 2 is even uglier than that Pontiac abomination that defames the name of a very cool poster here. The problem is the drivers. And while I don't mean to categorize all SUV owners in this group, we all know what I'm talking about.

    They're the ones still sitting there when the light turns green, talking on their cell phone. When they do take off, they accelerate at a snail's pace. In my case, at the school zone just ahead, I slow down to the appropriate speed and the SUV's I left behind a mile back come flying past me at well over 50 mph. These are the same jerks that barely reach the speed limit when the weather is clear but once a good rain starts they nail the gas and go flying through traffic like bats out of hell. These are the jerks that create chaos in every parking lot they use. They can't align their vehicle properly within the painted lines, they don't pull all the way into a space and leave half the behemoth sticking out in the lane, or they just park in the fire lane in front of the store to do their shopping. They try to enter the interstate from the offramp doing all of 30 mph, jump out into the fast lane, and plod along at below the posted speed limit refusing to move over for anyone. Then once they get tired of being passed on both sides, or they finally hang up the cell phone, they do speed up and do their best to intimidate other drivers.

    Meanwhile the police ignore them while searching for seatbelt violators.


  • drwtsn32

    bendrr: the people you describe are not limited to SUVs... there are bad drivers in every kind of vehicle.

  • lisavegas420

    I tried to convince my husband that I wanted my son's first car to be a Hummer. I reasoned it was a save alternative to a tank. But then he sent me this.....

  • stillajwexelder

    love the hummer but it is a gas guzzler -- but at $1.32 to the gallon where I live -- what do I care -- however my dream car is an Aston Martin -- watching to much James Bond

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