On my website : When God's infallible spirit is wrong

by Motema Bolingo 1 Replies latest jw friends

  • Motema Bolingo
    Motema Bolingo

    New file in English on my French website :

    "When God's infallible spirit is wrong"


    Translation by Chantal Caron

    Thank you Chantal !


  • Flowerpetal

    I was about 10 1/2 yrs. when that book was released in 1958. So when we started studying it at the bookstudy when we got to the part that this website discusses, I got really scared. All I could think of was some time in the near future, the Russians would drop a nuclear bomb on the US. I had fear of this for several years. Now that is a memory I hadn't thought of in a while.

    And I agree, the society knows no more who the King of the North or King of the South is than the man in the moon!

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