Is there anything you'd willingly give your life for?

by Happythoughts 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    For me, it's a natural thing: my son. But then I got to thinking: what else would I give up my life for? Would I so bravely, or naiively as the case may be, give up my life for my country? I thought about all those people in the years before me. Was this a question that they pondered over and fought with themselves about? What did it take for them to go forth and give their lives for their country? I concluded that, yes, although I would be afraid, as they might have been, I'd probably serve my country knowing I might perish.

    And it would be willingly.


  • stillajwexelder

    without hesitation for my children -- and almost certainly if I could prevent a terrorist attack on the USA/Britain/Australia and Canada

  • IronGland

    I'd give my life as a ransom to save all mankind

  • Singing Man
    Singing Man

    I may I repeat may enjoy a some good weed beside a camp fire with good old dog looking at me.

  • Bendrr

    Without hesitation for my family and/or friends. As a licensed gun carrier, I would consider it my moral obligation to also put my life in danger to protect complete [innocent] strangers should the need arise.


  • WhyNow2000

    My brothers and sisters. That's all.

  • Aztec

    Wow! What a tough question! Like most other parents, I'd give my life for my son. I wouldn't give my life for my parents as they've lived a good long life thusfar and being younger I have more to potentially give to society. Sorry if that sounds cold. I can't think of any causes that I would give my life for. As passionate as I am about some topics, I value my life above my ideals. Guess I don't have much of a martyr complex like Iron Gland does. Oh well.

    To those who are willing to die for their country, I applaud your valour. To be that idealistic is beyond me.


  • tinkerbell82

    i'm not afraid of dying at all. so i'd give my life to spare the life of someone who is afraid. i'd also die to save anyone in my immediate family except my dad.

  • gumby

    I don't know if anyone REALLY knows the answer to that until that moment comes most cases. We might sacrifice ourselves for many more than we think we would.


  • josephus

    interesting question

    last year i was lucky enough to save a man in a house fire.

    now i got an award and was in the paper, and that was nice.

    the guy was a 60 alocoholic, who set his house on fire while he was in it. and the next day he was drunk in the gutter outside my house.

    if i was asked today would i give my life for that kind of person, id say NO

    but if it happened again id go in.

    my answer is, youll risk your life to do many irrational things, in hindsight you might not.


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