That's The Good Stuff...

by Country Girl 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    Everyone has a very emotional and special moment in their life that they will always remember. For me, it was when I held my son in my arms for the first time, looked into his beautiful brown eyes, and fell in love for the rest of my life. That's the "good stuff." What was your special moment and how did it make you feel?


  • obiwan

    Sorry, I really don't have any. All of my "good things" are in one way or another, tainted.

  • shotgun

    At 10 weeks I saw my daughter on the ultrasound...she was just a little peanut with arms and legs but she took a swing at the technician for touching the outside of her cozy apartment and I'll never forget that moment, she was a real person.... a part of me. I laughed like a kid watching looney tunes and shed a tear as well.

  • happyout

    Definitely the first time I laid eyes on my son. Also, the first time he gave me a real honest to goodness smile. His entire little face just lit up. Now it's when he says he loves me, and I'm a good mommy. I think my heart is just going to burst.


  • azaria

    For me it has to be finding out that I was pregnant the first time and giving birth to my two children. (I'm now even more in awe that two human beings grew inside me) On the lighter side I will never forget a Dutch Male Choir singing for me where I worked 22 years ago. I was waitressing at the time and took care of this choir (about 50 of them). As I chit-chatted with them, I found out that they knew my uncle and two cousins (who are also involved in music) So the whole group stood up and sang to me in Dutch. (getting a little teary-eyed again)

  • ikhandi

    My favorite moment was when I walked across a stage to get my graduate degree. Through all the crap I had been through with the jws org. I finally did something for me. Something I could be proud of. That was only the start of my independence and the start of my exit

  • Shutterbug

    Watching my son receive his graduate degree. Guess some of us do live thru our children.

  • talesin

    Being a birth coach, seeing my friend's little girl pop out right in front of my eyes, being the first to hold her. The smiles and tears of joy in my friend's eyes.


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