Song of Solomon - YEAH BABY

by philo 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • philo


    I just realised I made a clanger.

    (who likes to pummel his body and lead it as a slave. But prefers to have it pummeled for him, by a "willing daughter")

    now reads

    (who likes to pummel his body and lead it as a slave. But prefers to have it pummeled for him, by a "willing" female)

    You can't be too careful. Phew.


  • SixofNine

    I don't know, philo, it sounded more "biblical" the other way.

  • Abaddon

    I always liked the line;

    "With his left hand he embraces me, and his right hand caresses me..."

    It always made me think...

  • peaceloveharmony

    woohoo! i, like larc, also read the song of solomon during the sunday meetings. my friend and i would underline the passages we liked the best! what a way to pass the time during the BORING wt study . i'll try to find my old bible and maybe post some of the passages i liked as a


  • nojw86

    Suppose they could have a drama on Song of Solomon at the coming assembly, could prove to be an eye opener .....nojw

  • slipnslidemaster
    When I was a young lad at the Kingdom Hall, I would open my bible to the Song of Solomen, while everyone else was studying rather mundane things. Those scriptures gave me great joy.

    It's so nice to recognize that the things that I did to ignore the boredom of the hall are just normal and I'm not alone!!

    Bored? Read Song of Solomon.

    Slipnslidemaster: Doin' the humpty hump...just doin' the humpty hump...

  • Free2Bme

    Worra load of perverts you all were..are
    I am so SHOCKED.
    An impure thought never crossed my mind during the meetings.Come to think of it no thoughts at all crossed my mind.My mind was in a wash cycle.


  • philo


    i'll try to find my old bible and maybe post some of the passages i liked as a

    Please do that, Peace! My lips are dripping like honeyed myrrh, just at the thought of it. (Hmm, that's not exactly the most attractive bit of SOS is it?)


    >>Worra load of perverts you all were..are

    I was only taking a healthy interest in my bible, mam. On the other hand, perhaps that IS a perversion.

    Are you from 'up Noorth', luv? "So ferry cross the Mersey". I'm from 'dain sarf'. If none of this makes sense, just put it down to the ramblings of an englishman abroad.

    Nice to bump into you anyway.


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