President Bush declared North Carolina a major disaster area

by MrMoe 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • El Kabong
    El Kabong

    The news in the Baltimore/DC area has the total death toll relating to Isabel at 9. One of which was killed in a weather related auto accident not to far from where I live.

    But, I finally got my cable TV back and was flipping through the channels and came across that asshat Pat Robertson saying how the Lord has blessed us that NO ONE DIED during this hurricane. I just wish I could reach in throught the TV and smack him silly.

  • freeman

    Simon, I’ve been to North Carolina, trust me, it was a major disaster area long before Bush said it was. But you’re correct, it is his fault.


  • DakotaRed

    Believe it or not, today, on the radio, I did hear some environmental group has come out and said the hurricane was indeed caused because Bush hasn't signed on to the Kyoto agreement and that pollution from the US is causing an increase in hurricane activity. Of course, no facts to back it up.

    Makes me wonder if the ancient Indians along the Atlantic coast foresaw the furture and blamed them on Bush centuries ago?

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