How *Welfare* Changed America......

by teenyuck 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • teenyuck

    Dean....the candidate who really cannot come up with his own lines....

    TV Show Brought Debate Plus for Dean


    WASHINGTON, Sept. 12 — Howard Dean got help from an unusual source in preparing for the Democratic debate in Baltimore on Tuesday: two veteran political consultants appearing with him on a television series.

    One of Dr. Dean's best-received lines was fed to him by James Carville and Paul Begala in the taping of the mock reality show "K Street." His unusual source of help came to light last night at a screening of the new HBO show.

    "If a percentage of minorities that's in your state has anything to do with how you connect with African-American voters, then Trent Lott would be Martin Luther King," he said to laughter and applause at the real debate.

    In addition, Dr. Dean was shown using a line that he also used in the debate to argue that he could appeal to blacks, despite coming from an overwhelmingly white state, Vermont.

    "I'll tell you why I connect with African-American audiences,"' he said. "I'm the only white politician that ever talks about race in front of white audiences."

    Dr. Dean was later chastised by opponents who noted that many of the Democratic candidates regularly discussed racial issues with all audiences.

    I watched the TV show K Street last night on HBO.....I had seen the debate last week. Funny, how Dean used exactly the same line in the fictional TV show, K Street, that he used during the real time presidential debate.

    No wonder he was chastised by the other candidates. He looked like an idiot.

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