No Respect

by StinkyPantz 72 Replies latest jw friends

  • StinkyPantz

    I have a friend who refuses to tell me how old he is. He claims that people often judge you or pigeon-hole you when they find out how old you are. I have tried to argue against this point, but I have recently realized how true this is.

    I guess being 24 means I am: young and naive. I can not seem to break this. My opinions seems to be a little less valued because I'm young. If I enter a thread where "grown folks" are discussing "serious matters", my words are often ignored or maybe I get a little pat on the head "aww such a good little girl". I was recently told I can be condescending. I disagree, if anything the old-timers around here (and in life) are condescending to ME!

    So do you think age is a major issue when having a discussion with someone? And I'm not talking about anyone under 18, I'm primarily talking about this db and its members; and since I'm talking age, does gender have a big effect as well? Or race? Or "intellect"? I'm talking BIG effect!! They all obviously play a role, don't get me wrong, I'm just wondering how big a role.

    <--- I use these a lot too. . .is that too young acting ?

  • Uzzah


    Some do let age get in the way. I know for myself when I first started posting here a 24 year old taught me much and exposed me to philosophy, trains of thought and great thinkers from the past I had never heard of. Today I am still learning from people decade(s) younger than me.

    I am 39 and just the other day an 18 year old employee provided me with some insights I had never considered.

    Anyone who refuses to listen to some simply based on the age gender or use of smilies is depriving themselves of much valuable information.

    That said it is still an easy trap to fall into, treating others the way we were treated at that age.


  • Xena

    Personally I don't read much into age. I have friends all up and down the age scale and have found some 21 years olds who are very mature and some 41 year olds who are very immature. On a data base too it is harder to tell what age a person is, you can usually figure out gender, but age remains a mystery unless they come out and tell you.

    I went to post on another site once and signed up under a different name....most of the people there assumed I was a was quite an interesting experience. I believe SYN did something like this once also. I found some men who ignored me as a women were more willing to discuss serious issues with me as a man. As I said it was quite enlightening...

  • Odrade

    I've never found age to be an impediment on a discussion board. (No one knows your age 'til you tell them.) However, until I was pushing 30, many people would dismiss out of hand anything I said, just because of my age. I still find that I'm on the receiving end of condescension once in awhile--- due I think, to my age. I had to remind my boss this week that he is only a couple of years older than me. He laughed 'cause he was trying to use the old line "But you wouldn't know that, you are too young..." LOL!

    I think the "smart kids" are often frustrated by this, but at least in normal society you have an outlet... you gravitate to social and educational opportunities where your age is not so much a factor. In the Org, or in a closed society, it probably happens more often because of the sort of "set" hierarchy. Being in the Org. further inflames the problem because, well, try having an intellectual conversation with the average Dub, and they will immediately start berating you for your lack of attention to spiritual things, not being humble, trying to make a name for yourself, blah blah blah, flavor of the week.

    Haha, little bit of a rant. Was just thinking of this myself today. *vent vent, grumble grumble*


  • Xandria


    You are the same age as my little sister. An although I have known her as a child, I do not think of her in that “cutesy” mindset.

    Maybebabies, has truly grown in to an exceptional young woman, an I am proud of her individualism. She is an adult and responsible for her actions, just as I am.

    She has valid thoughts, feelings and view points. I may not always agree with her view point, but I respect her right to expound it.

    As I have told her ~ Age doesn’t equate wisdom. Coming from a Seven year gap in age she provides me with a different view point and perspective. I was a 80’s teenager, she was a 90’s teenager. I realize many things had changed from my era of teenage hood and hers, even in that short time. Just as my little brother may not relate completely to me. But this is where Respect of each others view points must come in. Just as they have a right to dish it...they must respect others rights too. It works both ways. It is important to keep an open mind, perhaps you shall learn something new.


    That is my two cents.

  • Phantom Stranger
    Phantom Stranger

    I don't let age or gender play any role in pre-judging a person.

    However, sometimes posters have acted immaturely - some have been young, some have been older, and some have been of indeterminate age (they don't say how old they are). I tend to assume that the latter are young - probably irrelevant and in any case a bias you've called my attention to.

    I hope they all grow out of it.

  • SixofNine

    *pats Stinky's head*



    *awaits reciprocity with lowered expectations *

    ps. From the way you talk, I could have sworn you were at least 27. Also white

  • rocketman

    One more wall/barrier that people sometimes put up. Age.

  • StinkyPantz

    What will be interesting about this thread are the people who DO NOT comment. The ones that I see as guilty of this won't admit to it. Silly me huh?


    It's a good thing I luv you. . .


    What's with the HUGE font?!?!

  • SixofNine

    guess the variety of my grin right now

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