have any of you been in/are in an abusive relationship

by orbison11 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • freein89

    Yup. The first time he hit me was shortly after we were married. I was 19 years old and had just gotten my first pair of contact lenses. They were hard lenses and getting them in was very painful. I said "Damn" after putting the first one in, cuz it hurt like crazy. He hit me on my thigh and the 1/4 inch high hand print lasted all day. I was able to put up with him and reason the whole thing away because he only hit me once in a while. One time he hit me on the head with his belt buckle and I bled big time.

    The outrageous thing is that I didn't leave him because of the abuse, I left him because of the cheating. And the funny thing is that the whole last year I spent with him is because I was afraid my washing machine would break down and what would I do if that happened. I really do think that is funny now, cracks me up all these years later.

    A whole 'nother year because I was afraid the washer would break. Ohhhh Noooo what if the washer breaks. How about the laundromat you stupid B#$tch!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    The lesson is this: If you are an abused woman or man for that matter get the heck out. Don't let fear of the unknown keep you in danger.

    GET OUT. There are plenty of services available to help and you will develop a sense of confidence and handle whatever comes just fine. PM me if you need specific advice.


  • sens


    In some ways this has made me a biatch..

    nah hun...it's made you strong and thats a good thing xxx

    3 Sens 4

  • shera

    Thankyou Sens

    That means a lot ot me.

  • Englishman

    My first wife was physically violent, she would go absolutely bananas if you disagreed with her about anything. She once attacked me with a carving knife and once with a broken bottle, I still have the scars.

    She was a witness too. Once, we had a couple round to dinner, and I was discussing the 1966 World Cup with the husband. My ex said that she thought that Dave McKay was an excellent England manager. The wife of the couple pointed out to her that the manager was actually Alf Ramsay at the time. The next thing I knew, my ex was attacking the wife and slapping her around the face, so enraged did she become if someone felt that she was wrong about something. The wife was hysterical, so suddenly my ex told her not to be silly, they'd just had a minor disagreement, it was nothing at all. I was astonished at how swiftly her mood changed.

    Being JW's, I could see no way out of the marriage. However fate played a hand and she ran off with a sailor, and in so doing forfeited all rights to alimony.

    I was never an angel, and I can be damned awkward at times. But, there was nothing that warranted that sort of treatment from anyone.

    At least it made sure that I appreciated Her Ladyship!


    PS. The couple never returned our hospitality by asking us to their home.

  • oldcrowwoman

    I am a survivor of domestic abuse!! I lived in denial for 14 yrs of marriage along with abusing alcohol to survive.

    I was in therapy the last year. I was given a phone number for Battered Women. I was so shut down much less to figure out being in a dangerous situation to call for help.

    It was my 5 yr old at the time, "Mom why don't you get apartment, my sister and I will move in with you." It opened the door in making changes for us. We were dealing with his manic-depressive behaviors along being psychotic!!!!!!

    Fortunately he was involve with jw woman at the time so it took some of the heat off of me and the kids.

    We moved out not carrying much belongings with us. I just wanted to get hell of Dodge. I just wanted to be in a place where we could feel safe and quiet.

    Even though I've been out of that relationship for 21 yrs this month. I do deal with remnants of the abuse. That comes in layers.

    I am grateful to come home and to know I am safe. Not worry when the shoe is going to drop!!!Visit Smiley Central!

    I admire the courage and strength of women and men share their story dealing with abuse. It's important to speak out. To let others know that they don't need to put up with the abuses on this site. The options are available here on jwd to check out for self. One can check out through PM others here for safety reasons. Break the Silence!

    (((((((((to those who share their story)))))))))

    OCWVisit Smiley Central!

  • Special K
    Special K

    Was .. in an abusive relationship many years ago. I got married when I was a baby. Not uncommon for J.W.s to marry young.

    But not in an abusive relationship now.. for 25 years.

    Happily married for 23 years. Have good home and good spouse and good kids. I am HAPPY !

    special k

  • Odrade

    I just noticed there are two men posting on this thread about being in a domestic abuse situation. I know a couple myself, both only really getting out when the wife cheated and left. Both of you guys--((((())))))


  • Gopher

    E-man said:

    she would go absolutely bananas if you disagreed with her about anything

    Is it something about JW's that brings out the worst in this type of person? JW's teach you to be cocksure of your beliefs, that there is an absolute and simple truth to everything. Some unbalanced and insecure people would take this much farther, and threaten you if you disagree with them (showing their insecurity).

    E-man, I believe you when you say there's nothing you did that warranted such treatment. This type of mate has reactions that are WAY out of line with any "offense" involved. But they try to make you feel like YOU are somehow to blame. It can wear you down.

    Thanks Odrade for acknowledging that either gender can be a victim of abusive treatment. The effects on one's psyche can endure for quite some time even after the relationship terminates.

  • Red Witch
    Red Witch

    LEAVE and leave now! Things will not improve if only….

    I stayed because I was “admonished” to by those “oh so wonderful elders” and I wanted to be a good jw. It was nothing but a waste of valuable time and certainly put my life in danger along with our 2 children.

    If you are being abused in any way IT IS NOT YOUR FAULT and you certainly do not deserve it no matter what! Your abuser will not change under any circumstances.

    Unfortunately in my case, I let it go to the point where I realized the children where learning this behavior and my life was about to be extinquished.

    There is no easy way. Go as far away as you can and take only what you and you children (if any) need. Disappear if possible. I had to, change your last name and do not tell ANYONE.

    You must start over.

    Get psychiatric help – to convince you that you are alright and how to avoid getting into another similar relationship.

    Feel free to contact me [email protected] if you wish.

  • Gopher
    I was “admonished” to by those “oh so wonderful elders” and I wanted to be a good jw.

    Yes, me too! Of course, the elders had no idea what the HELL was going on behind the scenes. Perhaps they just wanted to keep the JW divorce rate down?

    Keeping the marriage going at all costs is not wise or helpful for anyone involved. Not if it comes at the cost of crushing your own spirit.

    Red Witch is right on -- get out. Life is too short to waste on a destructive relationship. Life is MUCH better alone.

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