Elder comes to visit

by Smyler 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • SixofNine

    How many cars did he sell last year?

  • Nosferatu
    He goes on about, how he and the hall misses me and loves me.

    I missed this when I read your post. I got the same treatment when I quit the meetings. I HATE it when a MAN tells me he loves me. Boohoo, go drown your sorrows in your briefcase.

  • primitivegenius

    oh i got the same thing dude. elder has been haunting me for some time but im like whatever i can hide inside like all the other people can...... then one day the guy covers the peephole......... and i was expecting my mom and sister to be visiting that evening........ so like a dumbass i figure is them cause thats what they do alot......... opened the door and wanted to slam it when i saw it was him. got the whole we sure would like to see you at the hall bull sh*t and we have been missing you. i even managed to be polite and not scream that i only went to like two or three meetings in this cong before i said enough was enough......... tho i have known these people for y ears of being in the same circuit........... and not one of them has expressed anything of missing me in the nine months that i havent been to a single meeting or the months before that when occasionally id go to one. hell when i went to those two meetings i only got to talk to one or two people......... the rest ignored me..... and i have known most of them for years. yeah im really missed there cough*bullsh*t* cough. oh and he has the nerve to tell me that i need to start comeing back and that ill probably be swarmed by the sisters ........................ um ok then. im starting to get pissed at his bull cause when i said no i wasnt going to go with him to the meeting or wouldnt accept a ride from him sunday and didnt care that they were hosting the district overseer this weekend for the assembly. he said if i didnt then he would be back............. like what the hell is that gonna do. i didnt back down and cower at your feet this time what makes you think im gonna get tired of your bothering me and start comeing there so you will leave me alone ? grrrrrr i need an ejection doormat lol. well anyway dude keep strong and dont listen to there stupidity. i know it bites and irritates but hell with them. next time he asks................. go on about your girl and how pretty she is and just act so lovestruck that no matter what he says you can turn it around to praise her lol. see how long you can do that till he gets pissed off and leaves lol.

  • Euphemism
    No, I'm not baptized

    Glad to hear that! That's one less means of control they have over you.

    I was just struck by the elder's reaction "oh, it's just a teen thing." If they were dealing with a baptized teen, I don't think they would shrug it off as easily. But as long as you're not baptized, you still get the nice-guy treatment.

    Anyway, sorry to vent in your thread, smyler. Best of luck to you and lissy.

  • JT

    congradulations on taking a decreet stand- you were cool about it

    wish you well and you know we really do love you

    you have no idea young man how many of us only wish like HELL we had an internet to turn to when we were your age

    well we didn;'t and as Tupac would say "I ain't Mad at ya"

  • talesin



    Sounds like you have it together. Be strong, don't let them get to you. I am here in NS, too. If you want to talk, PM me.



    Are you JW too? You've come to the right place, lots of support here.


    hey, nice to hear from you, how goes it?


  • jgnat

    Congrats, smyler, on playing it cool. Did you see minimus' thread? He has some great comeback lines.


  • Noumenon

    typical case of JW black or white ultimatum thinking. 'choose your girlfriend or choose to survive at Armageddon'.

  • Maverick

    Welcome Smyler! Nosferatu is dead right! They have no power over you. And the world they live in is an illusion! You can no more get eternal life from the WatchTower than you can from a stray cat! Maverick

  • Yesterdays Child
    Yesterdays Child

    Welcome Good job. I typed to missy last week. Glad you had a great time camping last week.Enjoy your youth and get the best out of it You can't go wrong with a great lady on your side Tell missy I said hello

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