"The soul of the flesh is in the blood..."

by Earnest 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Francois

    Read, if you can find a copy, Life After Life, by a guy named Mood, or Moody, or something like that. He was an M.D. who did a pretty in-depth study of the near-death experiences of people from all over the world, of all ages, of all faiths, etc. It was a fascinating study. He later wrote another book very like the first.

    You might want to try half.com to see if they have the book. They deal in old titles like that.


  • willy_think
    In recent years some medical researchers have speculated that these experiences may be evidence that consciousness does not reside solely in the brain. A study by researchers at Southampton General Hospital found that 11 per cent of those who had suffered cardiac arrest and survived had memory recall of the unconscious period. Six per cent of those resuscitated after cardiac arrest reported NDEs.

    What is happening with the central nervous system during a hart attack is oxygen deprivation. The people experiencing the attack may be consciousness to a point enabling memory retention but not to the point of bodily control. It may also be oxygen depravation that causes hallucination and the common effect of tunnel vision.

    I think it is important to note that hart attack victims still have and use there brain. They are very much alive. they never died. They only starved for oxygen for a shot time and can tell us about that experience.

    All in all, this is obvious quackery.

  • kgfreeperson

    Another really fun read (science fiction) is Connie Willis's "Passage"--it is both very funny and very thought-provoking.

  • simwitness

    In recent years some medical researchers have speculated was as far as I needed to read to realize two things: 1. The Reader's Digest is _not_ worried about real research. 2. That many, many people still speculate about what happens "when we die"... With this kind of research and "Scholarly" backing, is it any wonder that alot of Witnesses read the Reader's Digest?

  • simwitness

    In recent years some medical researchers have speculated

    was as far as I needed to read to realize two things:

    1. The Reader's Digest is _not_ worried about real research.
    2. That many, many people still speculate about what happens "when we die"...

    With this kind of research and "Scholarly" backing, is it any wonder that alot of Witnesses read the Reader's Digest?

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