Sun Rise

by Been there 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • Been there
    Been there

    Good Morning everyone,

    If anyone remembers, Sunrises, and Sunsets are my time with God. I wish I had a scanner (that worked) to show you the most unique sunrise I have seen in my life. I have seen more beautiful, but none more unique.

    It was bright pinky orange with the clearest blue back ground. Picture if you will a childs rendition of a sun (some adults too, me included), a circle with rays coming out of it. The center of the sun would be obstructed by the house across the street, the sun comes up behind the house. The center was a cluster of small puffy clouds , out of this cluster came long fingers of puffy clouds that went across the whole sky in a sunburst way, staying connected to the center cluster. There were 11 fingers from horizon to horizon. Or picture a clock, the center of the hands being the center cluster of clouds then from 9 o'clock to 3 o'clock a finger of clouds going out to each hour. It was amazing. I've seen waves of clouds but these were'nt waves. Well maybe they were waves, but they were attached at a center. Simply unique. As the sun came up it turned more to white a grey and the fingers bled more into the blue sky, not so distinct and vivid. What a picture to behold.

  • moonwillow

    Sounds absolutly beautiful Been there. I love sunrises and sunsets myself as well as the moon. Nothing like connecting with nature.

  • compound complex
  • compound complex
    compound complex

    I posted the above here because I cannot post images to a new topic.

    Seems an okay thread to do this, although there's not much color -- cloudscape after a storm.

  • Searching

    Funnily enough, I feel the same way about sunrises!

    I feel as though that is the most peaceful and serene time of day, when the light hits my room just right, it illuminates the entire room in pink or purple or orange, whichever color is most prominent that day. Walking down to my kitchen in total silence, just enjoying the look of the sky while I get a cup of coffee and beginning my daily mediation is truly the closest I feel to God during my day. When the sky seemingly changes colors before your very eyes and the world starts to come awake - you hear the birds and the sounds of people starting to get up and get ready for the day.

  • Diogenesister

    There's nothing like that time of day. Sadly being a bit of an insomniac I usually see that time at the end of a long sleepless night these days, but I used to work for an airline and seeing it from 30,000 ft is just sublime.

    @Been there what part of the world do you hail from so I can imagine? Just country will do, I'd love to travel but not really well enough so I just use my head!!

  • compound complex
  • Diogenesister

    oh wow CoCo that's really beautiful.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Thanks, Diogenesister!

    I believe you asked Been there a question. Did you notice the thread is 14 years old and I shamelessly piggybacked on it? Wish I had some actual sunrises.

  • compound complex

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