pdf's of Raymond Franz's books

by Newly Enlightened 277 Replies latest members private

  • 1009
    Kim has had contact with Deborah.
  • Simon
    He has stated on his YouTube channel that he contacted Franz's daughter and she said that she didn't want to receive any financial proceeds from the book anymore. ????

    That would seem to be a provably false claim seeing as they didn't have any children:

    On June 2, 2010, Raymond died at 88 years of age. Cynthia grieved him deeply. It was especially hard as they never were able to have children.


  • Finkelstein

    Sorry folks might have slipped up there a bit.

    So Deborah Dykstra has no relation to R Franz ?

    Nevertheless she is still listed at the Copyright office and data base as a legal recipient. ???

  • Simon
    So Deborah Dykstra has no relation to R Franz ?
    Nevertheless she is still listed at the Copyright office and data base as a legal recipient. ???

    My understanding is that they are not physically related but they took them in and took care of them so were probably surrogate family. This is probably why Ray left the assets that he had to them. I think someone explained this earlier in the thread.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    1009 opined, "You have a very exclusive world view. During the Berne Convention in 1886 many countries have agreed to implement copyrights. It isn't a USA-thing."

    No, but I do have a very limited opinion of goofballs like yourself who seem unable to think your way out of a paper bag. One minute you are espousing anarchy, the next you are "Schooling" me on your euro-weenie laws, as if they were novel thinking. Make up yer mind, laddie!

    Here's a history lesson - American law is largely based on English law, and in case you're wondering why that is, it is because the USA began as a colony of England.

    American copyright law had its origin with the introduction of the printing press to England in the late fifteenth century. The fifteenth century comes before 1886 in my calendar.

    In 1787 the U.S. Constitution declared, "the Congress shall have power . . . to promote the progress of science and useful arts, by securing for limited times to authors and inventors the exclusive right to their respective writings and discoveries."

    The Copyright Act of 1790, An Act for the Encouragement of Learning, by Securing the Copies of Maps, Charts, and Books to the Authors and Proprietors of Such Copies, was modeled on the British Statute of Anne of 1710.

    These 18th century actions came almost a century before the Berne Convention in 1886, so yes, it is an "American thing."

    You are free to follow our lead whenever you wish.

    Please don't hesitate to squeak up if there is anything else I can help you wrap your brain around.

  • slimboyfat
    I am guessing if Deborah Dykstra had a plan to distribute the books they would have done it already. So I would like to buy the rights for both books for $8000 US and make sure they are republished and available for around the original price.
  • the girl next door
    the girl next door
    Slim, contact mike and kim(the OP). They have spoken to Dykstra.
  • slimboyfat
    Okay I sent a pm. But if anyone else can put me in touch please do.
  • Finkelstein

    The jest of it is the people supposedly involved are just doing so to make the book available as a hard cover printed version and are not making a net profit.

    ummmmmm ???

    I'm not familiar with printing costs in Romania but I would assume that they are quite a bit cheaper in Romania than in the US.

    From Cedars own words .....

    Printing costs are $10 per copy.

    He has checked on shipping rates, payable separately, which are as follows (USD)...

    United States: 1 copy = 16.74 / 2 copies = 24.15 / 3 copies = 31.57 Canada: 1 copy = 17.64 / 2 copies = 24.53 / 3 copies = 31.41 UK: 1 copy = 18.51 / 2 copies = 22.63 / 3 copies = 26.75

    All prices above are indicative and are obviously subject to exchange rate fluctuations for the Romanian currency. For other order quantities or countries, please email him directly. He will be taking payments by PayPal.

    I can testify that my own books turned up in fine condition and are almost indistinguishable from the genuine article. If you want copies to hand to friends and family, this is a useful way to do it!"

  • the girl next door
    the girl next door
    good grief

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