They treat child molesters better than they treat us!

by Swan 14 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • mizpah


    The Watchtower Society is full of double standards and hypocrisy. But this sexual abuse problem may be the iceberg that sinks the organization. The very fact that it refuses to acknowledge it has a problem and is fighting "tooth and nail" to disassociate itself in the courts will expose it to more unfavorable publicity. Not only is it causing many outsiders to question the veracity of the organization, but it also is causing some Jehovah's Witnesses who have dealt with the problem to doubt its claim to be "God's organization."

    This problem is not about to "go away." As more cases reach the courts, the more the public and Jehovah's Witnesses will realize that it is a real problem.

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    "What you do speaks so loudly, I can't hear what you're saying." -- Ralph Waldo Emerson.

    That was the first thing I thought of when I read this thread. Really now, aren't Jehovah's Witnesses telling the whole world what they really believe by their actions? I said this to every elder in my congregation and I still believe it today: anyone, God included, who says a child must have two eyewitnesses to their rape, are wrong. What's more, it is evil to interrogate women and children the way elders do after being so victimized.

    It's been said one can tell how civilized a society, or group, is by the way they treat the most helpless members. It all screams the same thing, doesn't it?

  • Noumenon

    Geez have they really deepfried JW's for masturbation? Heck, then I guess 99% of single males in the truth shoulda been deepfriend ages ago (unless you're one of those freak goodie two-shoe square peg Amish Bethel, MS school graduate prissy pioneer eunech types, yeck). Then there'd be no one left, hahaha...

    Actually, on a more serious side, I think this is one of the reasons why there are so many sexual perverts lurking in the Org, because of the unbalanced view of sex and obsession with things like masturbation, oral sex, etc being so wrong. What is repressed grows stronger and by heaping all this guilt on young JW's about masturbation etc they get warped and obsessed with it, hence turn into kiddie fiddlers and so on. Probably analogous with the rampant problem of homosexuality in the Catholic Church and any church which enforces celibacy...the sex drive just gets warped through guilt and repression and look at the horrible consequences.

  • berylblue
    Yes I am sorry -- although child abuse is the most abhorent crime -- what sickens me is that apostasy is viewed by the WTBTS and the rank and file as a more vile crime-- -so I am an apostate as I post on this board -- if they found out my identioty I would be treated worse than a child molester -- it is absolutely disgusting

    stillanxjwwelder (did i get that right?) Thanks for posting that. JW lurkers: Please take a good hard look at the quote above. Sure you're in the "right" religion?


    Yep, they sure do!

    That's one of the reasons I left. Speaking from personal experience as well!

    My kid was abused by a dub, the pedo got reproved, I got df'ed, my family got shunned and my kid got nothing!

    Because his family were in the same congregation and prominent, they covered for him and got a support group rallying around him...........poor thing, he just needed love. At the same time they were busy undermining my family and making negative comments about us.

    A year after the abuse they df'ed me for slander and boy did they do a big 'local needs' talk on lies, gossip and slander. Yet when he did the deed, they never did a talk that even hinted sexual abuse. Go figure!

    After we stopped going to meetings we heard the pedo got df'ed..............about 4 years after my kid's incident. It wasn't for abuse apparently, smoking dope or something. So he could move and become active again in another congregation...............who will look out for the kids? The dubs certainly won't. I guess they will treat the molester better than the victims!

    Good post.

    Cheers, Bliss

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