More New Testament and Inclusion of name Jehovah

by robhic 11 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Odrade

    yet another revision to the Kingdom Interlinear Forward and Appendices. In the 1985 ed. the info reads. This admission:

    THE DIVINE NAME: One of the remarkable facts, not only about the extant manuscripts of the original Greek text, but of many versions, ancient and modern, is the absence of the divine name... [Comments about divine name in OT]...As the Christian Greek Scriptures were an inspired addition and supplement to the sacred Hebrew Scriptures, this sudden disappearance from the Greek text seems inconsistent...

    is now in the appendix 1A in the back of the interlinear, having been replaced in the forward by this:

    The evidence is that the original text of the Christian Greek Scriptures has been tampered with, the same as the text of the LLX has been. Sometime during the second or third centuries C.E., the Tetragrammaton (YHWH, or JHVH) was eliminated from the Greek text by copyists who did not understand or appreciate the divine name or who developed an aversion to it, possibly under the influence of anti-Semetism.

    blah, blah, blah. More in this vein, more justification for why little Johnny is the only one in step. Interestingly there are no secular references mentioned in the forward or the appendices in support of this assertion. Any good little witness will be able to point to the revision as the "new light" or an "updated understanding" although still providing no real proof. So be prepared for them to switch editions on you.


  • Odrade

    LOL @ undercover!!! Yeah you're right. It's such a simple argument. "Do you mean to tell me that the Scribes were so meticulous that they checked and double checked so as not to get one small character wrong, but then in just a few short years the Christian copyists, every last one of them, conspired to remove entirely God's Holy Name more than 237 times??!!"

    LMAO! I think you get the prize!


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