Just Re-Read 1984

by Francois 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • Francois

    And I remember the days when the JWs warned about the Catholics and their "Index" of books, movies, and plays that were denied to Catholics as being "dangerous" to their faith. That is to say, they were revelatory of the actual truth of a matter and the Roman Church did not want these truths spreading throughout the faithful. Now the Witnesses are up to it to.

    Have you read 1984? Is it now common fare in high school? God how I hope so. It's the story of Winston Smith and his journey toward actual truth about The Party. You see, it's his job to "correct" the past. Daily he "corrects the past" so that it comports more precisely with the present, so that the future can be thus controlled.

    In reading this book, I felt as if I were reading a contemporary history of the JWs as they put together their bound volumes and their CDs - both heavily edited, complete with their 18 and 1/2 minutes of missing information - just like Nixon. There is so much information missing from these republications, so much information changed, and some added that was never there in the first place. Their republications are, of course, a hoax.

    They also have their daily "Two Minutes Hate" and their annual "Hate Week" (very like an an assembly)

    I recommend that you all read, or re-read, George Orwell's 1984, to see how far we've come - especially in the organization of Jehovah's Witnesses of fulfilling each and all of his deadly prophecies of the future from his vantage point in 1949. I do know one or two things. He's written a great book of prophecy himself (much of which has already been fulfilled, unlike the JWs, ALL of which has gone unfulfilled), and he's written a book which though is dark in its presentation is nonetheless enjoyable and essential for all, especially JWs today. This is especially true if you'd like to gaze upon the grisly spectre of what JWs are headed for as fast as they can go, and it's not a pretty picture at all.

    Frank Tyrrell

  • greven



    Ha indeed! I have read it very recently and can say that I enjoyed it very much. It describes totalitarian terror and this resembles the brotherhood remarkably well.

    Doublethink, Ingsoc, New speak, Crime thought all of these find a match in the propaganda and mindcontoll techniques of the JW's.

    Read this book people! It is also a good idea for a gift to a JW because it doesn't atack jw's directly but the jw will see the resemblance


  • GeddyLee

    Hi Frank, I always enjoy reading your posts. Always very well thought out, and thought provoking. If you enjoyed 1984, you have to get your hands on a copy of 'The Orwellian world of Jehovahs witnesses. The "double speak", and "Thought crime, are so familiar with our favourite ex cult, its surreal. Geddy.

  • outnfree
    It is also a good idea for a gift to a JW because it doesn't atack jw's directly but the jw will see the resemblance

    I agree, Greven!

    Thanks for the reminder, Francois.


  • Englishman

    There was a time that JW's were convinced that George O had added a generation (70 years) onto 1914 so as to get to 1984.


  • NeonMadman
    In reading this book, I felt as if I were reading a contemporary history of the JWs as they put together their bound volumes and their CDs - both heavily edited, complete with their 18 and 1/2 minutes of missing information - just like Nixon. There is so much information missing from these republications, so much information changed, and some added that was never there in the first place. Their republications are, of course, a hoax.

    Not sure I know what you're referring to here. The only alteration I'm aware of from original publication to bound volume or CD was the change of "in our twentieth century" to "in our day" in the 1989 Watchtower. Are there other alterations? If so, I'd sure like to know about them.

    You're right, of course, about 1984 seeming very familiar to those of us who were in the org. I read the book before becoming a JW and again while I was one, and even then was stricken by the resemblances. I guess all totalitairan groups have a lot in common.

  • maxwell

    I was in high school less than a decade ago and I read "1984" then. I'm not sure if it's read at every high school. We didn't read "Animal Farm". I reread "1984" maybe a couple of years ago. Both times, I was looking for similarities in the governments of the world. However, I can definitely see the parallels in the JW, especially along the lines of doublespeak and thought control or thought police. I always enjoy reading that book, and I am sure I will pick it up again.

  • mizpah

    Add Animal Farm to your required reading list. I always loved the pigs explanation about equality:

    We're all equal...it's just that some are more equal than others.... It reminded me of the status of people in the congregations. All were equal but some were more equal than others...haha

  • Sir Paul
    Sir Paul

    Enjoyed your post Francois!

    Because of that, I'm going to pick up a copy of 1984 from the library on my next visit... Haven't read it yet...

  • LittleToe

    I've intended to read this again for some time. THis may just give me the impetus needed to do that.

    I last read it at school and wondered if the year 1984 would become reality.
    A communist regime over-running the world, and hailing in the New World Order (AKA Armaggedon).

    Once I saw the truth about the borg, this novel sprung to mind again, but for a different reason.

    Big Brother IS watching you!!!

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