As a witness how many could not remember your child's date of birth

by rekless 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • Simon

    As me to remember numbers and codes and I'm your man ... dates? Hopeless

    I really have a hard time judging when things happened in relation to each other. Everything is either today, yesterday, last week or years ago. No in betweens or closer categorisation.

    I can remember conversations word for word, what people were wearing, what they were doing ... everything. Just not when.

  • mikelites

    i have that problem all the time been out now 8years but it still happens it really gets me mad & sad but its getting better!! stick with it !!

  • BluesBrother

    I absolutely concur with Simon and other men here. I have no recollection of dates . I too have been embarassed at a bank when we needed to complete a form and had left off the wife's d o b , I did not know it and the clerk thought I was either a fraudster or a total chauvanist .

    Also, when you call a bank or insurance company these days days they ask you're d of b, as verification that you really are the account holder. I can never remember when put on the spot. Then I get into arguments with them .....

    Perhaps I am in denial of advancing years .

  • Wren

    Yes, my husband still does and three out of four children had difficulty remembering the exact day up into high school age. We were inactive for years. I make a point of sending B-day cards to immediate family that celebrate now to show some manners if nothing else.

    As for embarrassing, my teenage daughter and I were standing in the police station at 2:00 a.m., one night she was spending the night with a friend. She was picked up with her friends for possible MIP but was released. The officer had to ask me her birthdate as she couldn't remember which day. Her friend had told him that's because she's a JW and doesn't celebrate it! The police found some humor in it anyway.

    It was one of those I'm-a-religious-idiot moments.

  • Buster

    Well, yeah ... but I got it narrowed down - my daughter is either Jan 17 or 18. Pretty good huh?

    My son is Sept 17, but I know that because it is the same as my brother ... or sister ... anyway.

    When I forget my wife's, I just remember back to the last argument we had and blame it on her. (That's a little tacky, I know)

    But just to make it fair, I forgot my own at least a couple times, including this year.

  • Pepper

    That is me all the way, and I blame the witness's for it those dirty rotton son's of whores.

    If we could have had birthdays my kids lives would have had much more fun in life.


  • Mulan

    one of my daughters in law was never a JW, and really thought none of us even knew how old we were.....................until I explained.

    Our family, when I was growing up, always acknowledged birthdays. We didn't do parties, but Mom and Dad always mentioned our birthdays. Dad was one of those men who never forgot a date...............even with his dementia, he remembers them.

  • Piph

    Even as a witness, I have always made a point to remember all my friends' birthdays and acknowledge it somehow without actually saying "Happy Birthday". ;)

    I have a friend who, along with her younger sister, was born at home. Her JW parents took note of her DOB and could accurately fill out the birth certificate when the time came...however, they apparently decided not to bother with the younger one. When they filled out her birth certificate, they just made up a date (they knew it was some time during this particular week...). So this poor 15 year old girl now has no idea when her birthday is, just that it was sometime that week, and rest assured it certainly doesn't make her feel important. :(

  • frenchbabyface

    Ooops ! Well I know you men are able to forget lots of things ...

    My father even forgot about my name his excuse could have been : from 6 to 30 at that time = 24 years can have something to do with it. I gave him a hand on this after 6 very ambarrasing minutes ... C.O.R.I.N.N.E. it's ok man !

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