Confusing Good Sex as Love

by Robdar 34 Replies latest social relationships

  • Robdar

    You can take this any which way you want, but I like it that you like that I like the way you think. I like it very much, as a matter of fact.

    TeeJay, why don't ya just shuddup and kiss me?

    Robdar -- Again, you don't sound confused at all...

    Gambit, it all makes sense on paper. However, it makes no sense in my heart or my mind.

    you mean that was the alcohol talking?? i'm so hurt!! ;) and OK I promise to hit on you sober

    Okay, girls, get a room already!!! Jeesh!

    Obiwan, quit encouraging them!

  • tinkerbell82
    little lightwieght.

    hey, don't go telling my secrets!! ;) and please

    Obiwan, quit encouraging them!

    encourage us, encourage us!!! :P

  • talesin
    neighbour disturbing sheet-soaking sessions that leave all the posters that were pinned to the wall beside your bed ripped and torn and scars on your back

    I need a cigarette!

    So many great comments on this thread. My experience has been that there is great sex without love, but it's much better if the two go together.

    Love is a choice for me. I only made that choice once, and it was both the best and worst time of my life. The sex was, well, indescribably great from the very first time we did it. We had chemistry from day one, but did not 'do the deed' for several months, and got to know each other first. Love, for moi, is about trust as well as chemistry. I would not want to love someone I don't trust. But trust is a difficult thing for me to attain.

    I'll never regret my choice to love, but don't think I want to go there again. So intense, so painful if things go awry ...

    As for 'bed buddies', I find that men want more emotional attachment after they have sex with me. Then they get all hurt when I remain the same ole buddy I always was. They just don't seem to understand that I mean it when I say "this won't change our friendship".

    I agree that it would be great to have friends available for "tune up" (that's hilarious, btw), but it seems to work better in theory than in actual practice.

    Maybe the confusion takes place because most people really want to be in love. They delude themselves into thinking "I love her/him", when they don't even really KNOW the person. I think that most people are lovable, and the more I get to know someone, the more I love them, for their humanity, their foibles. This is true of my friends and was true of my partner of 5 years. Familiarity does NOT, imo, breed contempt.

    The truest love I ever had was from my best friend and constant companion for 16 years, Squealer the kitty, who died February (happy birthday to me, she says bitterly). There is no love purer than that of a pet. And yes, I am a bit cynical.




    You are an awesome lady! I love your talk about the bestest subjects!!

    I have had some darn good sex without confusing it with love myself.

    Meeee toooo!!!

    But there are guys who seem to fall in love pretty easily. At least they've appeared to fall in love. Who really knows. I have also had guys seem to fall in love after a single date without even a goodnight kiss. They act all jealous when I won't go out with them

    Meeee tooooo!!!

    And I must confess, I used to ummmm...foolishly think I was falling in love waaaaay tooooo soon in a relationship. Experience taught me otherwise, however...

    Now I don't give my heart away quite as quickly. I have had sex for the pure pleasure of it and I didn't worry where it would lead. I might have broken a heart or two....didn't mean to, though...

    I just figured If love was meant to be, it would happen without a big production.

    So far, it hasn't happened, is big deal.


  • Robdar

    Well, The flirtation going on with Tink and Stacy has gotten me all warm inside *joins talesin in smoking a ciggy*

    But trust is a difficult thing for me to attain....The truest love I ever had was from my best friend and constant companion for 16 years, Squealer the kitty, who died February (happy birthday to me, she says bitterly). There is no love purer than that of a pet. And yes, I am a bit cynical.

    Talesin, I must agree with you regarding the love of a pet. They don't turn on you, they don't judge you, they don't tell you that you are stupid, they are not suspicious of why you are giving them affection, they don't try to publicly humiliate you and they don't lie. I have rarely found this to be true with human companions.

    I just figured If love was meant to be, it would happen without a big production.

    (((((Estee))))) I hope love is meant to be for both of us. But, I hope it is a big production with trumpets blowing and maidens dancing and 1000 goats as a gift to my father......


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