Sad again at the Service Meeting

by Euphemism 36 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Euphemism
    Better get used to that feeling...hon...if you wanna keep goin' to those meetin's!!!

    LOL True 'nuff, ESTEE... tonight wasn't a hell of a lot better. (There was 15 minutes of guilting the friends about not doing enough return visits, followed by 20 minutes of inane details about the maintenace of the Kingdom Hall.) Thankfully, I only have to go to meetings for a little over a month more.

  • Charms

    It's just awful. I can understand their situation well. I am painfully shy and and I never progressed to the point where I had to speak at the door. I hated being out there period to the point that my mother would beat me most of the time to make me go with her. I was terrified of running into my classmates. I would feel guilty because I knew I would be killed in Armageddon for not liking field service (among other things).

  • Charms

    That almost made me fall outta my chair! LMAO!!!!

  • patio34

    Mulan said (and I'll see you in Florida Mulan!):

    I never got used to it, and even when I was a regular pioneer, I always loved "going home time" and my days off. Ultimately that is why I quit. I took 2 days off in a row, that I normally didn't take off, and it felt so good I just quit.

    That's a classic! I remember having my grandkids visit and one Sunday morning I took them to the beach instead of the kingdumb hall and voila! I thought "they got a lot more out of the beach than the boring meeting!"


  • Dawn

    I hated FS too.....I Aux. often because I thought it would make me more "spiritual"...and because I wanted to do the right thing to make it through Armageddon - but I hated every minute of it. I felt embarassed and always afraid that someone would ask one of THOSE questions that I couldn't answer.

    Funny thing is - now that I've been out for so long - I "informal" witness about the Lord all the time - but it just comes natural to me now - it comes from the heart and I don't feel obligated to do it, it just feels good. Maybe because I do it when it's APPROPRIATE and don't feel embarassed about it.

    By the way....I always felt embarassed to tell people I was JW - but now I don't feel embarassed at all to tell people I am a Christian. Anyone else have this same feeling now that you're out and free?

  • Farkel

    : I thought about all these people who are forced to do something that is often emotionally distressing for them; and then are made to feel guilty over not liking to do it.

    : It's just sickening.

    There was some guy who said to take his yoke. He said is was "kindly" and "light." He never said it would be "sickening." He never told anyone to sell books for a religious printing Corporation, and he never tried to make anything "emotionally distressing" for anyone.

    For some strange reason, I forget his name, just now. But I do remember that Jehovah's Witnesses claim that he is their Leader and that everything he said to do, they do.


    This Man whose name escapes me just now tried to remove the "yoke" and JW leaders gave their people a "yoke" that is nearly impossible to carry.

    Very strange.


  • DanTheMan

    jgnat, I love that quote. Most people who join JW's or stay with it after being raised in it are buying into the lifestyle, and the d2d work is the uncomfortable ritual that one must engage in to prove one's loyalty to the club. I don't think that there are many JW's who go d2d thinking "OMG these people are going to die!" Sure, there's a lot of talk about paradise, but how many really believe that?

    I hated field service, and the guilt that I felt for feeling this way became unbearable to the point where I stopped attending meetings and started surfing websites such as this one.

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