New Spiritually Weak Label: Not Using Tablet/iPhone

by Doubtfully Yours 63 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours

    With last night's meeting it became official: Here in the States is a must to keep up with 'Jehovah's Org' that one fully jumps on board with this tablet/iPhone crap.

    So, now, all of us that up to this point have refused to follow the WTBTS in their electronic/wireless revolution will deal with the browbeating from the 'spiritual' ones.

    Already receiving lots of grief from hubby and rest of the family/close friends when seen at the meetings with paper publications. Damn it!!!

    Am I alone in this resistance???!!!


  • cha ching
    cha ching

    Those things cost money!

    What if you can't afford them? hmmm? I thought it was "materialistic" to acquire "things"?

    I really do NOT like the WT..... Guilt, guilt, guilt..... That is what they thrive on.

    Resist, do not bend, just laugh when you hear them being frustrated!

  • dbq407
    We were told that the electronics are such a blessing because the WT can save so much money by not printing literature, and will have more money to build kingdumb halls. Because you know, they are building like crazy here in the states lol.
  • Giordano

    DY this is the price of admission. You go along to get along.

    It's funny how the WT wants everyone to hold to 1st Century Christian dogma but now insists the modern communication devices loaded with Satan's ideas is the way to go.

    What's next communication implants that will allow for the holy words of the GB to be whispered directly into your mind...............

    "Write us our once a month check now"

    "Have you continued to shun those who have DA or DF?"

    "The end is near."

    "March in step."


  • Gulf Coaster
    Gulf Coaster
    Must be tough for technophobic older people. I wonder how my mother is coping since she has trouble operating a microwave oven. She's in Australia and I'm not sure if they're browbeating their flock the same.
  • sir82

    With last night's meeting it became official: Here in the States is a must to keep up with 'Jehovah's Org' that one fully jumps on board with this tablet/iPhone crap.


    What exactly did they say?

  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours

    The F.O.G. sure is thick inside the WTBTS.

    I have the electronic toys already (iPhone(s), iPad, tablet, HP notebook). The thing is that I really like/prefer stuff in print; Hey, I'm old and really enjoy reading the paper printed stuff!!!


  • NeverKnew

    So the adherents who browse apostate sites using the KH wifi will be known. 😮

    Surely that will require a new BOE letter titled "Misuse of One's Own Tablet-Disfellowshipping Directive"

  • MarkofCane
    The one tool that's destroying them is what they demand there flock use to be enlightened. Ironic isn't it.
  • konceptual99

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