The reactive mind vs the thoughtful mind...

by RayoFlight2014 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • RayoFlight2014

    Hi BluesBrother,

    I gave your comment a like, although I didn't like that you had given up hope of reaching your loved ones, I found that sad, but I understand.

    If we didn't care it wouldn't be so goddamn frustrating that they won't even talk about it or concede when faced with facts on the absurdity of the many teachings, flipflops and child rape scandals that watchtower is responsible for.


  • Theonlyoneleft


    The other day I was thinking about the same thing. That maybe it’s selfish of me to want my family away from this cult, there’s no guarantee that they would ever recover from it if they leave. They seem to have their ducks in a row and live a simplistic but fulfilling spiritual lives.

    The younger ones probably would but the older ones that dedicated their whole life to it, with a hope of seeing our gone parents would be very difficult to accept their ignorance of it all.

    The loss of stability, family and friends is too great to keep them going through their doubts.

    I feel sorry that my family are in this but to be honest the more I read about it the more I think that it’s a blessing in disguise that if they never wake up and find out the real truth, that they will live a life filled with contentment surrounded by those they see as real friends.

    Saddens me too.... but it’s safer this way... I regret to say.

  • RayoFlight2014

    Hi Theonlyoneleft,

    I hear ya.

    My concern is that they will be rudely awakened by some event that is unmistakable and crudely rips the rug out from under them.

    I'd like to be able to prepare them for that or at least have a readymade safety net to catch them as they fall.

    I just have this uneasy feeling that the choice to remain oblivious may not be an option.


  • Theonlyoneleft


    i really feel for you and understand your worries.

    Whatever or whenever happens in the future, they are blessed for having you to help them deal with the ugly feelings and also maybe the reality of the freedom that they will have too.

    I wish you all the best, your family is very lucky to have someone that deeply cares and will continually support them in their struggles.

    I’m sure when the times comes you’ll be there awaiting in the wings to take action.

    Good luck for the future ☺️.

  • RayoFlight2014

    Thank you for your positive thoughts and well wishes Theonlyoneleft.

    I wish you all the best also,

    Warm Regards,


  • blondie

    The way most of my family (other than me) have gotten out, is to die. So far from my generation 3 have left and not come back. Their children are definitely out, never in. Fortunately the 3 still in have not had children, and the 2 on the edge, none of their children have ever been jws.

    It seems that the 3rd generation is not jws.

  • Vidiot
    sir82 - "...after the initial shock wore off, most JWs would glom onto [some other religion]..."

    I disagree.

    A few might go Evangelical or even Catholic, but I actually suspect the Org has - credit where credit's due - done too thorough a job inoculating the rank-and-file against any other form of religious expression... i.e. demonizing all other religions as "false" (it certainly worked for me, and I'm happier for it ).

    I think they're more likely to feel that "if the WT doesn't have the Truth, no one does".

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