Yahweh and Baal

by opusdei1972 7 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • opusdei1972

    This is what we can read from the Jewish Encyclopedia:

    The name Ba'al (), apparently as an equivalent for Yhwh, occurs as an element in a number of compound proper names, such as Jerubbaal, Ishbaal, Meribaal, etc. Some of these names, probably at a time when the name of Baal had fallen into disrepute (comp. Hosea ii. 16, 17), seem to have been changed by the substitution of El or Bosheth for Baal (comp. II Sam. ii. 8, iv. 4, v. 16; I Chron. viii. 33, 34; ix. 39, 40; xiv. 7).

    Why did Saul give to one of his sons the name Ishbaal? Ishbaal means "man of Baal". It clearly means that Baal was as God as Yahweh for ancient people in Israel. The monotheistic law given by Moses was unknown for the israelites living before the babylonian captivity. Dishonest scribes of the postexilic age did a historical revisionism, in which they told to the unlearned Jews, the lie that Yahweh was always the one and only the true God of Israel. A lie similar to that of the Watchtower Society, in which Jesus came invisible between 1914 and 1919 so as to inspect all religion organizations, then he declared that the Society is his Channel on Earth.

  • Crazyguy
    There are Scriptures describing Yahweh as having the same characteristics as Baal as well as El. They worshipped El as the high Creator God first then switched to primarily worshipping Baal because he was the fertility - rain God. Remember the word lord is a translation from the original word Baal. Re-read the Bible and every time you see the word lord change it to Baal and every time you see the word son switch it to Sun and you'll have a much more accurate rendering of the Scriptures. Do the same with the word God and make it gods, there you go the Bible as it was ment to be read.
  • opusdei1972
    Crazyguy: Was no Yahweh one of the sons of El Elyon, so Baal could be his brother?.
  • Crazyguy

    Some speculate this based on a found translation of Duet 32:8. But one problem with this idea is Yahweh is described just like El. But there is some evidence that the God Elyon was a God above the God El and not El himself. Anyway it's hard to tell for sure since every city or community may have their Pantheon of Gods be just a bit different then another community. Another problem is names could altogether change, Baal had different names, and at times one can't tell if they we're refuring to the same God. Another thought is that yhwh wasn't actually refuring to one God but a family of gods. El,Ashurah, Baal,Anat for example.

    One other thought I have had recently is about the goddess Anat. She is never mentioned in the Bible but almost all the other top gods of the Canaanites are. She is a war God, so I'm wondering if maybe Yahweh isnt some form of her. Her name is mentioned in a Jewish stronghold in Egypt in a letter as Anat-Yahu. Just a thought but we find this kind of thing in Egypt where a God is an aspect of another God. Amen become one with Ra so does Atum and a couple of other Egyptian gods.

  • eyeuse2badub

    "In the beginning, man created god and the angels"

    enough said?

    just saying!


  • Vidiot

    I knew it!

    Baal was "Yahweh"'s secret identity (or better yet, alternate personality, given what a lot of us have concluded about him). :smirk:

  • careful
    Isn't "baal" just one of several words for "Lord"? So then shouldn't we expect to see it used differently in different contexts?
  • Crazyguy
    Careful, the word Lord is the same as the word Baal, so yes every time you see the word lord think the word Baal when reading your bible. The big problem here is the translation of words in the bible. The word Elohim means Gods but its translated in the bible as God. Baal changed to Lord and the word Angels is put in places to infer heavenly like beings of god yet this idea is Greek and the old testament should not have this word in it. I also believe the meaning of the word Amen was changed and it actually is referring to the God Amen.

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