Coordinator for the elder body

by truth doubter 10 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • truth doubter
    truth doubter
    I was recently told that circit overseers must give up the position at age 70. Is that true and if so, does the coordinator have to give up his position at age 70 also?
  • OneEyedJoe
    yes, that's correct. COBE has to retire at 80.
  • millie210

    I wonder why 70 for C.O.s and 80 for COBEs?

    Im sure the Org would blame pressure, travel and responsibilities the C.O.s have but truthfully they live a rather cosseted life.

    COBEs are in the trenches.

    so why really?

  • OneEyedJoe
    Probably because they need more COBEs than COs
  • millie210

    Makes sense (in a self serrving kinda way) I guess.

    Thanks OneEyedJoe

  • prologos
    Being a Co is an intense, endless grind, I turned the assignment down. A 79 year old Coordinator would be a blessing. too pooped to be an ueber dominator.
  • OneEyedJoe
    Another thought - don't they pay for the COs medical needs? Makes sense that they'd give them the boot earlier. Than the COBE that they don't pay for.
  • freddo

    CO's go at 70

    Sub-CO's at 80

    CoBE's at 80.

    Here's why.

    CO is retired at 70 (so no car, no medical no nuffin' for two older JW's - don't forget Mrs. CO goes too.)

    But he can still help out on his own dime as a Sub-CO for a few years and/or as a CBE. So if he is reasonably healthy he can be used in a struggling congo or circuit.

    If he isn't he can be put out to grass and forgotten about.

    I wonder what happens if Mrs. CO is a year or two older than hubby? Do they both get booted when she hits 70?

  • pixel
    That's right. The WT/GB/FDS retires their high ranking members (except members of the GB, of course) at ages 70 and 80, just like God used to do with his old prophets in the past...oh...wait...
  • Londo111
    I remembered one CO in the 80's started to exhibit signs of dementia while serving the circuit.

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