Today's Text - Be Humble & Don't Judge (The Exact OPPOSITE Of What JW's Do!)

by Divergent 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • Divergent

    Another nauseating text which proves conclusively that JW's DO NOT practise what they preach!

    Monday, May 9

    Who are you to be judging your neighbor?—Jas. 4:12.

    Humility restrains us from overstepping our authority. If we recognize that we are not authorized to sit in judgment, we will not be quick to criticize others for their faults or question their motives. (Luke 6:37) Humility helps us to avoid being “overly righteous,” looking down on those who may not have the abilities or privileges that we have. (Eccl. 7:16) Humble elders do not view themselves as superior to fellow believers. Rather, such shepherds “consider others superior” and conduct themselves as lesser ones. (Phil. 2:3; Luke 9:48) If we are truly lowly in heart, our words will reflect humility. (Luke 6:45) In conversations with others, we will avoid focusing on our own achievements and privileges. (Prov. 27:2) Instead, we will look for the good in our brothers and sisters and commend them for their positive qualities, abilities, and accomplishments.—Prov. 15:23. w15 2/15 1:8, 10

    Let us analyse the text verse by verse:

    Humility restrains us from overstepping our authority. If we recognize that we are not authorized to sit in judgment, we will not be quick to criticize others for their faults or question their motives.

    How many COUNTLESS times have JW organizational leaders overstepped their authority? They are in no position to be giving advice here!!!

    Humility helps us to avoid being “overly righteous,” looking down on those who may not have the abilities or privileges that we have.

    Ironic that they are talking about this when title boasting is so prevalent! Think about all the shameless titles that JW's look up to & glorify - Ministerial Servant, Elder, Group Overseer, COBE (Presiding Overseer), Auxiliary Pioneer, Regular Auxiliary Pioneer, Regular Pioneer, Special Pioneer, Missionary, Bethelite, MTS Graduate, Elders' School Graduate, Pioneers' School Graduate, Gilead Graduate, Convention Overseer, Circuit Overseer, District Overseer, Zone Overseer, Branch Committee Member, Branch Overseer, Governing Body Helper, Governing Body Member, etc. If you do not have one or more of these titles, then you will inevitably be looked down upon!

    By the way, just to recap - who was the one who said that a brother who is not a Ministerial Servant by the age of 23 is a WRONG choice as a marriage mate?

    Humble elders do not view themselves as superior to fellow believers. Rather, such shepherds “consider others superior” and conduct themselves as lesser ones.

    LOL!!! Most of us here, if not all, have personal experiences that prove the contrary!

    If we are truly lowly in heart, our words will reflect humility.

    Take a serious look at Anthony Morris or other GB members. What do their words reflect???

    In conversations with others, we will avoid focusing on our own achievements and privileges.

    Isn't it the very culture in the organization to glorify those with achievements & privileges???

    Instead, we will look for the good in our brothers and sisters and commend them for their positive qualities, abilities, and accomplishments.

    How often do you / did you see that happening??? Do you / did you feel truly valued as a JW or neglected, unappreciated, & criticized?

  • Gefangene

    Excellent post divergent

    The whole issue of judgmental individuals in the borg stinks.

    Who determines who will be shunned by families? The whole concept of forning judicial comittees goes against james 4:12 among numerous other things.

    The kingdom song should be named "listen obey and be judged"

    (Btw what does the abbreviation "COBE" stand for?)

  • ttdtt

    They whole organization is geared to people judging each other on everything.

    This is there best tool in keeping the R&F in line.

  • moomanchu

    Don't forget to turn in your field service report.

    We need that to be able to judge you on how spiritual you are. HA

  • Heartsafire

    Valued and appreciated as a JW? Ha! Never! I never felt that way even when I was going at it 110 percent.

    Actually, most Dubs I see are very depressed and barely hanging on. Or, they are flourishing as over-achievers and looking down their noses at the ones who "don't have their priorities straight".

  • prologos
    comment during daily text" bye bye gossip bye bye judging elders. by the way they are only judging themselves anyway.
  • Divergent


    (Btw what does the abbreviation "COBE" stand for?)

    It stands for "Coordinator Of the Body of Elders", a replacement of the term "Presiding Overseer"


    They whole organization is geared to people judging each other on everything.

    This is there best tool in keeping the R&F in line.

    Agreed. In theory, they claim that JW's do not judge, but in practice, JW's are the most judgemental people ever!


    Don't forget to turn in your field service report.

    We need that to be able to judge you on how spiritual you are. HA

    Yes, don't forget to make your hours. Even if it means standing / sitting silently for hours near a literature cart. By the way, time spent helping those who are really in need (sick, infirm, elderly, etc) DOESN'T count!


    Valued and appreciated as a JW? Ha! Never! I never felt that way even when I was going at it 110 percent.

    Actually, most Dubs I see are very depressed and barely hanging on. Or, they are flourishing as over-achievers and looking down their noses at the ones who "don't have their priorities straight"

    Same observations here. I wasn't happy being a JW & I could see that many others aren't happy also. They just keep at it because they think it's "the truth" & there is nowhere else to go. Fear is keeping them in - they don't want to die at the big A!


    by the way they are only judging themselves anyway.

    Yes they are... and yet they fail to see it!

  • stuckinarut2


    Great thread Divergent!

    Thanks for sharing, and thanks for your very accurate comments!

    The double standards are alive and well!

  • ssn587
    Meeting those "privileged" ones you knew before, they will invariably ask what position of so called or just privilege (standing) you hold in your congregation at least that was my experience.
  • Divergent


    The double standards are alive and well!

    Double standards & JW's go hand-in-hand! It's hypocritical how they condemn judging while condoning it at the same time, like what they did in this recent study article:


    Meeting those "privileged" ones you knew before, they will invariably ask what position of so called or just privilege (standing) you hold in your congregation at least that was my experience.

    That was exactly what I experienced also. Your "spirituality" is gauged automatically based on your position & privileges RATHER than genuine love & kindness shown towards others!

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