Didn't go to memorial this year

by silent 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • jookbeard
    carry on the fade, it gets better and easier but its not an overnight transformation we take these decades of cult indoctrination to our graves, its slow and gradual , think about forgetting next years as well and the assembly, you wont miss them.
  • Coded Logic
    Coded Logic

    If there is a creator God I'm pretty sure he's a big boy. He will understand what you're going through and will have the wisdom to know that you need to take some time to figure out what you believe and why.

    Appreciation can come in many forms. It can be a silent prayer. It can be moment contemplating something that amazes you. It can be learning more about the universe we inhabit. It can be simple awe.

    Give yourself permission to search for answers. And NEVER feel guilty for following the evidence where it leads. When I first began my journey I found this video highly informative, thought provoking, and spiritual in a way I had never known before. Take a moment to check it out :)


  • WTWizard

    If I had children and were to go to one of these wastefests, I might be tempted to bring in ice cream cones for them and plenty of playthings (and blankets in case they are tired). And that includes Sparlock toys--anyone says anything about it, I will tell them if they keep hounding me, next time it's a Ouija board. The one ground rule is there will be no donating anything to the Worldwide Damnation Fund, and I would include myself in that rule.

    And depending on what they liked, I would plan a vacation trip for the summer. No going to washtowel headquarters. They might like going to Canada--some place like Montreal, or up in the rugged country, or a shopping trip outside Toronto. Or, in the states, they might find an amusement park (there are plenty of big ones in the states), a trip to a natural park (such as Yellowstone), a zoo, or other venue of their liking (not washtowel headquarters). Or, money permitting, I would rather go to Auckland New Zealand and spend a month there instead of going to the Grand Boasting Session.

    Of course, I would stay on top of what's next on the Caleb and Sophia proscription list and break that rule, too. And I would be open at discussing it right at the Supreme Boasting Session--the crapmorial where they openly reject Astaroth (and, for the record, Jesus). I would also be planning for a major celebration of the real, non-church meaning of Easter--which is the appreciation of Spring. Hopefully, that would be the last time I get hounded to attend--if not, next year I bring in a Ouija board.

  • OneEyedJoe
    While I wouldn't say I missed it, I was absent from the memorial for the first time in 30 years. Wife went without me - actually made something of an evening of it - wasn't home when I got back from work and didn't get home until 10:30 or so. I guess they had a party at her parent's house.
  • pearlsister

    I did not go ether. First time. Elders harassed me with messages... it;s a start...

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