Victoria Wood dies

by Xanthippe 10 Replies latest social current

  • Xanthippe

    I'm shocked to hear that Victoria Wood has died of cancer. She was only 62, so sad. She was one of the first female comedians, and paved the way for the those women that followed. Winning five Baftas for her work, and being awarded the OBE in 1997.

    I will always remember her for dinnerladies, and her comedy songs, 'spread an avocado on my lower regions, spank me on the bottom with a woman's weekly.'

    You will be missed Vic.

  • Ruby456
    sad isn't it.
  • Lostandfound

    A breath of fresh Northern air, huge range of talents and so modest. Showed that comedy did not have to exist in the gutter but wonders of everyday ,life. Her tvrole as mother of a troubled soldier son coping with his sexuality in dark days of war when such things dreadfully treated , was so poignant and moving.

  • Alive!

    One of a kind - 'spank me on the bottom with the woman's weekly' - she was brilliant, utterly brilliant.

    Very sad.

  • Slidin Fast
    Slidin Fast
    Superb writer, performer and lovely person. A tragedy.
  • Xanthippe
    Lostandfound yes I enjoyed that too, it was called Housewife, 49. She also did a great documentary series about India. A very talented woman.
  • Xanthippe

    Bumping this for Brits who loved Victoria Wood. Do you remember Kimberley? My pioneer partner couldn't see what was so funny about her but then she did have a beret very similar to Kimberley's!

  • Xanthippe
  • Xanthippe
  • jookbeard
    very talented lady a sad loss Pat and Margaret was brilliant

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