looking for Jw infomation about the bible being changed etc?

by Aposta-Fish 11 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Aposta-Fish

    in one of Mike and Kim's latest videos they claim that the Borg wrote in the 1960's that the book of Revelations wasn't even finished until a much later date. they have also stated that apostate Christians changed the bible> I've also read years ago they trashed the bible or at least the king James years ago after another one of their fail predictions and right before they made their own bible>

    I'm looking for these writings and any other that where the borg is criticizing the bible?

  • Vanderhoven7

    The Watchtower has added the name Jehovah to the New Testament 237 times as a replacement of the word Kurios meaning "Lord". None of the ancient manuscripts or fragments thereof contain the name or the Greek equivalent of the Tetragrammaton. They had to hatch a conspiracy theory that every last vestige was removed to obscure God's name and they therefore had the right restore it to the New Testament. However, if such were the case the entire New Testament would be unreliable. Watchtower "restores" the name when NT authors quote passages from the OT containing the Tetragrammaton. However, over half the "restorations" are not quotes from the OT, so these are simply added to the text without justification.

  • Jofi_Wofo


    Further, in Matthew 5:18 & Luke 17:16 Jesus is recorded as saying that not even one stroke of one letter of the law would fail to be fulfilled. In that case, would it be out of order for us to expect that, of all things, GOD'S VERY OWN NAME wouldn't be stricken from it????

    It may not be the actual plan, but I think that this tactic could be a feather in the cap of Watchtower in the next coming years, especially as they face more prepared opposition online and on the streets. If you can convince millions of people that the Bible is missing words, and that Watchtower's leaders know exactly what those words are and where they belong, there is no end to what kinds of new light you can derive while still claiming to "let the Bible interpret itself."

  • Atlantis


    Mike & Kim are members here. If it would help, you could send them a private message and ask about their videos. I am sure they could provide you with the information in question.


  • HowTheBibleWasCreated
    They teach that Revelation was finished in 96CE. As other posters have stated above they claim so-called apostate Christians changed the bible removing YHWH, They never trashed the KJV you can downllowd it from their website or use JW Library and add it to the app under 'languages'.As for their placing Jehovah 237 times in the NT they are not the only ones to do so. It's a common theory among Me3ssiac Jewish Christian that the name of YHWH was removed from the new testament
  • Vanderhoven7

    Those ancient conspiritors certainly did an amazing job of finding and destroying all ancient New Testament manuscripts and fragments that had the divine name and then recopying these ancient documents and fragments and recirculating them throughout Europe and Asia so that no one would know a name that appears 7000 times in the Old Testament.

    Run on sentence or what?

  • GrreatTeacher

    I'll give you a pass because it's actually nice to read a sentence that is longer than 3 words and doesn't end in an emoji.

  • Doug Mason
    Doug Mason

    If the Watchtower is not part of Protestant Christendom, then why does it bother with that religion's scriptures?

    Of all the sources the WTS could have used, why rely on the 19th century text produced by Westcott and Hort rather than on Nestel/Aland?

    The Scriptures have been subjected to editing, deliberate changes, and accidental changes from the moment the ink dried on a initial scroll, to the point that it is not possible to know what was originally written.


  • HowTheBibleWasCreated

    Dou a valid point and the best answer I can give is that they used the ASV just prior to 1950 so that the switchover to the NWT was not much of a shock,

  • Newly Enlightened
    Newly Enlightened


    Sorry it took me so long to edit our video. It's a bit longer than we expected.

    Even GB Geoffrey Jackson said Apostate Christians copied the manuscripts


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