How do you feel about Social Media?

by caves 10 Replies latest social current

  • caves

    I personally hate it! I've tried for years to find a way to enjoy it, but I do not. I tried.

    At the end of the day I feel its just people getting there ego stroked and miss-information. All while literally handing over our data and lives to the scum of the earth. Allowing ourselves to be manipulated. Living in self contained echo chambers.

    I find it beyond sad that when someone creates a FB group, they suddenly feel as if it belongs to them. Like they are special. News flash, its free, you are not special. People are the product along with their so called groupies. I can't/won't take FB groups seriously.

    Why don't those people that have FREE FB groups they started create and actual web page? It doesn't cost that much to have a website. Then one could actually make some extra cash possibly, without begging for it on FB. A free service that people think somehow belongs to them.

    That's my rant about it. How do you feel about social media?

  • LongHairGal


    I only have Facebook and have only a modest amount of friends:..relatives, former workmates or friends from the old neighborhood....I just use FB to share pictures and keep in touch. I don’t discuss politics and don’t ‘follow’ more liberal friends. I don’t play any games, quizzes and only Like on few things.

    My account got hacked a few years ago and I deleted things.. I ended up unfriending somebody who ‘friended’ people from third-world countries - supposedly ‘artists’.. One of them apparently targeted people on her friends list. The name of the hacker who got in was somebody on her list who later disappeared. Whatever.

    I still like FB but changed passwords and removed a lot of info from my profile.

  • smiddy3

    I`m with you caves I think a lot of the people are just narcissts not all but some with a look at me look at me attitude.

  • JeffT

    Okay, so what is this old fart missing in this question? Aren't we ON social media here? We're a bunch of people talking to each other over the internet. I would take that as evidence that we like THIS social media. Or are FB and twitter the only things that count?

  • LoveUniHateExams

    I like FaceBook and I like this site. YouTube is pretty good, too.

    But I have never had a Twitter account and have no plans to create one. Twitter sounds like a load of crap to me.

  • Tameria2001

    I'm not really into social media, outside of a couple of forums I don't really use it. I only have a Facebook account to keep up with the pictures my daughter in law post of my grandson. If it were not for that I would have closed it out a long time ago. I use to have a few people on my friend's list, that I know personally. Then when they started making rude and snarky remarks about things I did post, I ended up removing almost everyone.

    I did check out Twitter but ended up closing out the account after it sat dormant for a long time, never used it after signing up for it.

  • JimmyYoung

    I think its a hit and miss thing. So many idiots will post what their poop they just took was like or the dinner plate they are about to eat. Some will keep in touch with family and friends, and others will use it for an audience of people they don't even know to try to be a so called internet influence. Personally I think its a lot more BS then good.

  • The Fall Guy
    The Fall Guy

    Anonymity is the key here - Twatter, BookFace et al are social minefields which have/can blow up people's lives, relationships and careers.

  • LeeT

    I use Twitter as a News Feed and pretty much exclusively follow news organisations, think tanks and commentators I'm interested in, including those with view diametrically opposed to my own. I almost never Tweet. I consume the content of those who's opinion I value.

    I know a research scientist who does a similar thing, following people in the field and he finds it gives him a heads up on what people are working on ahead of their research being published. He also engages in, erm, science literacy outreach work, otherwise known as arguing with Young Earth creationists, a calling from which he derives much pleasure.

    I did use Facebook as a social platform, "friending" friends and family but found them much more boring online than in person so pretty much gave up on that side of it. I still use it for planning discussions on a closed group for the local Scouts group where I volunteer.

    It isn't that social Media is junk in and of itself. It's that most people use it for junk. It can also be a treasure trove of interesting information and engaging material if you want it to be. If you prefer a Twitter spat, it's good for that too.

    If you're posting stuff that could jeopardize your career prospects or ruin relationships if it was found out, do it anonymously and never drunk rant.

  • caves

    JeffT- Aren't we ON social media here? We're a bunch of people talking to each other over the internet. I would take that as evidence that we like THIS social media. Or are FB and twitter the only things that count?

    I knew this question was coming. And it is a good one. What separates them are many things. I copied this from webstrategist -

    Forums are like social mixers, where everyone is at equal level, milling about and discussing with others. These many to many communication tools allow anyone to start a topic and anyone to respond to one. Members are often at equal level, and content is usually segmented by topic. (rather than by people).

    Blogs are like a keynote speech where the speaker (blogger) is in control of the discussion, but allows questions and comments from the audience.
    Blogs are journals often authored by one individual, and sometimes teams. In the context of business communication, these are often used to talk with the marketplace and to join the conversation that existing external bloggers may be having.

    Social Networks are like topic tables at a conference luncheon. Ever been to a conference where different lunch tables had big white signs inviting people to sit and join others of like interest? It’s like that. Social networks allow members to organize around a person’s relationships or interests, rather that just focused on topic. People that know each other (or want to meet each other) will connect by a variety of common interests.


    This is this particular writers interpretation. There are many. But this one seems to break it down short enough.

    The Fall Guy-Anonymity is the key here - Twatter, BookFace et al are social minefields which have/can blow up people's lives, relationships and careers.

    Certain has blown up mine several times. Even if I do my best to stay in the little corner so as not to "trigger anyone". It is like walking in a minefield. Once had an an employer that wanted all the new hires FB pages . I said no. they said 'you don't work here then'. A dozen of us walked out. Got another job in under an hour with an employer that thought those people were insane.

    Anonymity does seem key.

    Fb, does seem like a popularity contest where one is forever 15 years old until the day they die. I have to many issues with it to go into.

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