I am not familiar with Canada, but Norway had stolen various foreign national children, broke up the families, and put them for adoptions against any regard of their citizenship. It had done to Czechs, Poles, Lithuanians, Romanians, Russians, Swedish, and Indians. Czech president compared the program to German's Nazi Lebensborn. Last month, there was a demonstration in Bucharest against Norway. Next two weeks there are planned demonstration all over the world in front of Norwegian embassies. What is the most frustrating is that Norway behaves extremely arrogantly to other European states, and even does not bother to reply to three official diplomatic notes from fellow NATO country like Czech Republic. Norway interferes in Central Europe all the time, which was reason why Hungary expelled anyone associated with Norwegian funds, and these two countries had frozen relationship for 18 months (lifted on December 5, 2015). If you have almost dozen EU countries lined up against Norway, the problem is not on their side, but with Norway.
I am not sure if you have visited any Scandinavian country, but I have been in all of them,multiple times, and I was not impressed. They are generally rude and unpleasant to other Europeans. Their social engineering programs has degenerated them. By 2030 Sweden will be 3rd world country by UN report. Many ways, it is already. People live with the image the Scandinavia had in 1970's, but reality is totally different. I went to Copenhagen to Helsinky to Malmo and elsewhere over last 25 years and I can compare it from my first visits. It can be said that pretty much entire Europe is broken and beyond any help at this point. The saddest thing is that majority of Europeans even do not care about it anymore.