The Sadness of the Poet

by compound complex 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • nancy drew
    nancy drew

    Oh how cryptic he can be

    ambiguous as the rolling sea

    elliptical as his native tree

    puzzling as the killer bee

    Emily we need you now

    you're understanding please endow

    a tree a bird a large sea cow

    meow meow meow meow

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    With no more than the fierce beating of my heart as your signal,
    Please, hasten into my presence and cherish me as none other.

    You are sweet and delectable and gently remove from my jailed
    Heart shackles that have too long confined my delicate passions.

    You, sweet savior, are my liberator, whose glance, whose touch,
    Whose kiss shall revive my lifeless soul, long ago declared dead.

    My window is always open to you and your cherished company.
    Upon wings of desire descend from on high into this, my world,

    And light softly, so softly upon my petal-strewn chamber floor.
    Sick with unrealized love, I can bear cruel aloneness no more.

  • compound complex
  • compound complex
    compound complex

    A torn and crumpled sheet of lavender stationery lies in grass alongside the pathway to town.

    Basket in arm, on her way to market, Marie spies the leaves of paper amidst blades of grass and stoops to pick it out and shake it free of morning dew.

    With a sharp intake of breath, the young and susceptible lady takes in the newborn words springing from some unknown poet's bursting heart. Unprepared for such emotional onslaught, Marie's heart cleaves in two, bleeding unstanched as worlds of both light and darkness comingle within and without her hapless soul.

  • The Rebel
    The Rebel

    Hi compound, having read your tale about Marie, I think it's a great shame you never wrote scripts for "Little House on the Prairie". Even Michael Landon was incapable of writing such " emotional onslaught" :-)

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Thank you, The Rebel.

    I really appreciate your kind words.

    The above entries are out of order, given I have gone through years of hard copy to revise and clarify my writing and struggle to make a cohesive whole. What Marie finds is a "leaf" (not "leaves") of stationery in the grass and becomes ripped asunder emotionally when she reads the lovelorn's lament. Gee, it's maybe a little over the top??? I can be effusive and a tad old-fashioned in my thinking and rhetoric!

    Once again, The Rebel, allow me to express my gratitude to you for your support.

    Blessings and peace to you and your lovely family.


    A TORN AND CRUMPLED SHEET OF LAVENDER STATIONERY lies in grass alongside the pathway to town. Basket in arm, on her way to market, Marie spies the leaf of paper amidst blades of grass and stoops to pick it out and shake it free of morning dew.

    With a sharp intake of breath, the young and susceptible lady takes in the newborn words springing from some unknown poet's bursting heart. Unprepared for such emotional onslaught, Marie's heart cleaves in two, bleeding unstanched as worlds of both light and darkness comingle within and without her hapless soul.

    With no more than the fierce beating of my heart as your signal,
    Hasten, please, into my presence and cherish me as none other.

    You are sweet and delectable and gently remove from my jailed
    Heart shackles that have too long confined my delicate passions.

    You, sweet savior, are my liberator, whose glance, whose touch,
    Whose kiss shall revive my lifeless soul, long ago declared dead.

    My window is always open to you and your cherished company.
    Upon wings of desire descend from on high into this, my world,

    And light softly, so softly upon my petal-strewn chamber floor.
    Sick with unrealized love, I can bear cruel aloneness no more.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    OUR LOVE WAS BEYOND TIME AND DEATH. The promise of true love kept me alive despite every reason to bid this angst-filled world goodbye.

    Have I set my sights too high? I hold you dear, more so now than ever before. Yet, your inattention to my torn heart plunges me into a despair that has no boundaries. Does a flawed man merit the reassurance that the deepest of wounds shall be healed?

    There was a time when you heard my plaintive cries and offered such succor as calmed my disquieting mood. Yes, ever at my side to console and to lift from the fathomless pit.

    There is no question that I am needy, that I do admit. Surely, it pains me that I am a weak and ignoble excuse of a man. Nonetheless, we were a perfect match: you, the strong and giving, I, the devoted and worshipful.

    Unworthy, yes, but needing true love as I require the air that I breathe . . .

  • Gargamel

    Good stuff CC. I like to play around with the written word sometimes. I'm currently writing my JW stuff and what happened after. It was traumatic, so I have a lot of breaks from it. That's when my mind wanders to poetry. Like most people who do it, I treat it as a hobby.

    A good site I found is . I've learned a lot from the people there and, for the most part, it seems a friendly place. That doesn't stop some of the critique being forthright, exactly what I need as I prefer honesty.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Greetings, Gargamel:

    It's good hearing from you. Your comments are much appreciated.

    Wishing you well on your own personal journey.

    Yes, honesty is good.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    I'm not happy without you.

    Yes, you are. You make beautiful

    poetry out of your unhappiness and

    you like that.

    Poets should never marry.

    The world should thank me for

    not marrying you.

    -- William Butler Yeats and Maud Gonne

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