by Terry 10 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Terry

    The intellect gives us our powers of conception, judgment, and free choice in the way which has separated humanity from the rest of the animal kingdom. It really works and this is proved by the fact we are out of the food chain dominating all other species.

    However, be warned! Human intellect is not a perfectly functioning machine. It will not function properly if it processes raw data corrupted in any way or incomplete. As any computer engineer will tell you: Garbage in = garbage out.

    Honesty is seeing things as they really are--then dealing with them realistically

    INTELLECT REQUIRES HONESTY or the human animal goes astray into suspicion, cynicism, false conclusions and a brooding herdlike dependence.

    INTELLECTUAL HONESTY says: "I am willing to be wrong if the facts go against even my most cherished beliefs."

    Ask yourself this question: ARE YOU WILLING TO BE WRONG?

    Without a willingness to be wrong (who can always be right?) no room for personal growth is possible.

    You can't climb from the bottom of ignorance to the top of wisdom without a vast stairway of many levels requiring many steps. To move up, you must abandon the lower steps to reach the highest ones.



    1. LISTEN TO PEOPLE with whom you disagree. Really listen. Why? Because you were once a Jehovah's Witness and had all the answers and all the Truth--but you were dead wrong. You tuned out what others said when they objected to your certainty WHAT IF YOU HAD DONE YOUR OPPOSITION RESEARCH with an OPEN MIND? Still-in JW's refuse to hear what their opposers say automatically contemptuous and suspicious. We cannot afford to be deaf, blind and stupid the second time. You have nothing to lose but your smug complacency by listening to your opponents.

    2. TEST YOUR SOURCES. When we were Jehovah's Witnesses we thought the Bible (and ultimately, Jehovah) was our source of knowledge, truth, and wisdom WE WERE WRONG! We had become blind to the startling fact it was all coming from FALSE PROPHETS pretending to channel Truth from heaven. Had we listened to CRITICAL ANALYSIS by actual Bible Scholars (instead of letting the GB do it for us) we'd quickly have become alert to problems with authenticity in the scriptures themselves. A red flag would be the wake-up call.

    3. BECOME A RATIONAL, NON-CYNICAL SKEPTIC. When we were Jehovah's Witnesses, we sneered at all human society except for the New World society. Why? JW's are taught to be untrusting, suspicious, dark-minded and smug. However, a rational thinker looks for data, facts, and solutions from any source as long as it's testable and peer-reviewed without bias.

    4. STUDY CONTROVERSIAL SUBJECTS by reading opposites sides of the debate. When we were Jehovah's Witnesses our reading and viewing material was censored. The label of "worldly" poisoned research. Independent thinking was forbidden. This left us vulnerable to emotional manipulation. The quotations published in JW reading materials were filtered, clipped and rendered corruptly so contrary viewpoints by neutral authorities would not reach us with potency. When we study any topic, we need to know what opponents EACH set forward, to examine the data set, and become aware of the weakness on BOTH sides.

    5. SELF-AWARENESS of your limits. Face the fact you are flawed, subjective, ill-informed, unskilled and over-confident while at the same time thinking you are objective, intelligent, and smarter than most others. THAT'S HUMAN NATURE. Get over yourself! As Jehovah's Witnesses, we considered ourselves as sharp, quick-minded experts on absolute truth. We were dead wrong! But old habits die hard. Cultivate humility and seek to become aware of just how dumb being a JW has made you! Without humility no persona can learn. Your opinion is important to YOU but everybody else thinks you're an idiot. They are probably partially right some of the time :)

    6. LEAVE ROOM FOR DOUBT. Have you ever met a JW Elder who left any room for doubt that what he was saying was the be-all and end-all of knowledge? Weren't you that way at one time?Next time you offer an opinion try ending your sentence with room for doubt. "Your mileage may vary, of course" is a phrase I try to cultivate. You remind yourself you aren't a damned expert. It invites others to sharpen your remarks with additional and perhaps more accurate commentary. If you are so cocksure--you shut out your only chance to receive correction for smarter people. Doubt your facts and you'll seldom end up wrong. If you are skilled at debate it is an especially easy trap to fall into sounding like you are an encyclopedia of wisdom when actually you're only a deft counterpuncher.

    7. EXCHANGE HOPE for FAITH and you'll avoid ignorance and heartbreak. What Hope offers is a positive and confident mental attitude which reassures an outcome while simultaneously leaving room for the possibility things won't turn out. On the other hand, Faith destroys objectivity and forces delusional dependence on wishful thinking which can destroy you when it falls apart. As Jehovah's Witnesses, we discovered this in 1975. Read the following quotation and try not to gasp at the insanity of what is being offered to millions of Jehovah's Witnesses looking forward to 1975.

    8. AVOID PERSONAL ATTACKS and rely on facts. The Jehovah's Witness first line of defense against their enemies is to label them "mentally diseased", wicked, Satanic, worldly and Apostate. Instead of rationally listing objections and methodically offering counter-proofs as refutations, the Governing Body exposes themselves to be weak, dishonest and tyrannical. If you are on the side of genuine truth, you should be able to defeat wrong statements with sources factually accurate. You know an opponent is out of ammunition as soon as they revert to name-calling. The number one signal of a dishonest debate is the attempt to shut down all two-way discourse by a pejorative label. Look for the word "ridiculous" because it can often reveal an empty rebuttal.

    9. LOGIC is essentially a test of NON-CONTRADICTION. As Jehovah's Witnesses, our view of Truth was crippled by constantly changing absolutes. If something is true, it doesn't need changing from one certainty to its own opposite certainty. This is why Science is provisional and constantly seeks tests of falsifiable principle. In the last few years, the religious denomination of Jehovah's Witnesses had been erased and redrafted WITHOUT ANY MEMBERS NOTICING. Why? Their rational mind is like a house with the burglar alarm wire cut by burglars. They are intellectually defused, blind to the many contradictions with previous core 'truth.'


    Having no clear view of alternatives, Jehovah's Witnesses are blinded. On top of that, having a smug self-assured attitude has made them closed off to the possibility of being self-deceived. Finally, by refusing to open themselves up to the possibility of being wrong, they refuse to self-examine for intellectual dishonesty. This has rendered the members of this religion very depressed, nervous, fearful and blocked from their native potential to lead healthy and happy lives.

    No progress is possible for JW's until they become humble enough to be wrong when the facts go against them.

  • Iown Mylife
    Iown Mylife

    Good stuff for a Sunday morning, thank you, Terry!

    "...everybody else thinks you're an idiot." - reminds me of my favorite bumper sticker, Jesus loves you but everyone else thinks you're an asshole - -

    I'm one that was right in that exact state of mind that you describe, totally convinced of WT infallibility and too obnoxiously snotty to listen to any possible flaws that were pointed out.

    After a big dose of reality my eyesight was improved and I began to see reason, instead of being so convinced of my own reasonableness, LOL!


  • Conanthebeliever

    OK, I am slightly worried at the moment.

    I have been studying for 7 months, (I was not a JW, I am studying at the moment), and I have been through many faiths, trying to find the one that fits me-I agreed to a study as I had so many questions, and once I started the study, I found that what JW's believed was what I already believed, I just was not aware of the fact.

    Now-the reason I am worried.

    I have never been lied to by who I am studying with, and have always been told to go and make my own mind up.

    I also listen to some metal, and the elders at my KH are fine with that, they have said it is not the music that is inherently bad, it is how it affects YOU personally, if it makes you happy, there is no issue, but if it makes you down and depressed, there is an issue-which I saw as common sense.

    I am having witnesses call on me at random times, I have been ill and someone I have known for a long time, before I was a witness, who is a witness, come to give me a get well card. I thought this was very kind.

    I am just worried, as I have had a lot of friends tell me 'it is a cult', but I have found nothing to prove it is a cult-it just seems everyone is friendly, and I have finally found somewhere with others like me, who genuinely enjoy helping others.

    People always saw me as a bit odd, as I would want to help others, and they would think I would have a hidden agenda-but I really do like helping others, the reward is the smile on their face once something is completed or even given to them, I like to make others happy, as I have been very depressed in my life, I never want others to feel the way I did. I did have issues with alcohol, that I have now beaten, and I found my extreme anxiety and depression was caused by a medical condition called hypogonadism-I am being treated for that now, and for the first time in my life, I feel well, mentally and physically.

    I just have seen a lot of posts of people talking about the horrors they have gone through as children of JW's, and this worries me.

    I am still pretty open minded, I am not baptized, but attend every meeting that I can, and it seems everyone likes me.

    But, I am left wondering-do they like me because of me, or because I believe the same thing they believe?

    I am brain damaged, and it has affected my thinking and emotions. I joined here to talk to other witnesses as i wanted to make more friends.

    But, reading stories from ex witnesses is worrying me quite a lot. I believe in God/Jehovah, and Christ, but I am scared that I am going deeper into something I should not be.

    There have been no alarm bells yet, so do I have a basis for worrying, or is it likely my brain damage making me worry? This is a big issue to me, I have trouble telling what is a real threat and what is in my head.

    Thank you everyone, and all the best, Conan.

  • Je.suis.oisif


    This describes how my daughter was treated before she became baptised. Then she found out about the Australian Royal Commission into child sex abuse from several sources. She approached the pioneer sister who studied with her to baptism. She was speechless. We can only surmise that said pioneer was closed down by the elders, because she never "got back to her". This left my daughter floundering. She suffered terribly, and decided to disassociate herself. That was traumatic in the process. She's getting there.

    She found out the true personalities of quite a few in her KH after this. Be very careful before you commit, because it is not what it appears to be. I can say this because I gave 32yrs of my life to this cult.

  • Je.suis.oisif


    Should have added - Hi & welcome. Have more faith in your intellect and gut feelings, because your on here asking questions and that is healthy.

  • Terry

    I have never been lied to by who I am studying with and have always been told to go and make my own mind up.

    Not to put too fine a point on it: Lying is saying the opposite of what you believe to be true.

    Your JW study is not aware they are communicating non-factual information.

    Let's move on to the relevant matters for consideration.

    1. Statistically, you have a 1 in 40,000 chance of finding the "True" religious denomination in Christianity alone. (That's approximately how many different "true" interpretations have given rise to all those denominations.)

    2. Where is your skepticism over the inescapable fact that every Christian is looking at the very same data (Bible) and coming to separate conclusions? Red Flag! Can this be a signal to your intellect that something just possibly might be wrong with the data itself? If you say, "No" you'll have to explain why. There is an ancient book compiled by a Greek fellow named Euclid back in the 4th-century B.C.E. The Encylopedia says: "His Elements is one of the most influential works in the history of mathematics, serving as the main textbook for teaching mathematics (especially geometry) from the time of its publication until the late 19th or early 20th century."

    Here is the difference between this manmade book and the Bible. (Pay attention) Every person from every society on Earth arrived at exactly the same conclusions about Euclid's theorems and axioms without contradictory opinions arising in 20 centuries. Do you see why the Bible is problematic and Euclid's Elements are not?

    3. Being treated well is no indicator of fact. It is a social courtesy. Choose any group of weird beliefs and you'll find kind people who are friendly. Here is the TEST of that kindness and friendly treatment. IF YOU become a JW and discover their doctrine is corrupt and you speak out about it--you will NOT be able to withstand the negative treatment of shunning without an emotional scar. Your "friends" will instantly push a little button inside of their head and you'll be viewed as a filthy apostate unworthy of prayers and you'll deserve to die at Armageddon. Does that sound healthy or sane?

    4. Being open-minded sounds nice, but do you have the same policy about your car door or the front door to you home? Isn't having a lock a healthy skepticism of the existence of bad intentions in some people who might take advantage of those open doors?

    5. Take a close look at the Venus Fly Trap. It is filled with sweet nectar which is appetizing and non-threatening to the fly until he is all the way in and the ill-fated victim is slowly dissolved inside.

    Jehovah's Witnesses are required to be 100 percent LOYAL to their leader's interpretations (frequent mind-changers) no matter how radical. You will have no individuality, human rights or freedom of speech or access to your personal conscience once you are inside.

    The history of this religion is a highway littered with wreckage and broken promises.


    Why do you assume you are able to detect the existence of CULT behavior when you have absolutely no experience of having been inside one?

    Cults are distinguished by the CONTROL they exert over your life, your language, your friends

    your reading material, you private life and every thought you will ever think.

    If thousands and thousands of pedophiles protected with a veil of secrecy doesn't convince you of the covert

    secrecy and dishonesty of Jehovah's Witnesses, maybe you need to ask yourself why that doesn't seem to

    matter to you.

    You have a choice today because you are not a member. Once you are inside, you will have NO CHOICE except

    the one of complete obedience and subservience.
    I spent two years in prison convinced I was serving God. I was wrong. I was serving the whims of men.

  • Je.suis.oisif


    Sorry for partially hi-jacking your wonderful thread. I've only just realised what I've gone and done.

    Thank you for your reasoning and logic.

  • Terry

    There's no such thing as hijacking on my threads. They are for whatever useful purpose they can serve. Discussion topics are ice breakers, in my view. So, feel free to jump in any time.

  • Vidiot

    Terry - "...Discussion topics are ice breakers, in my view. So, feel free to jump in any time."


    A Kingdom Hall, this place ain't.

    (See what I did, there? )

  • deegee


    "I have found nothing to prove it is a cult-it just seems everyone is friendly"

    Cult Warning 101:

    Love Bombing - Cults offer instant friendship and acceptance.

    "I have finally found somewhere with others like me, who genuinely enjoy helping others."

    Our psychological needs may sometimes disable our intellect from following those 9 steps of intellectual honesty recommended by Terry above but I think that applying those 9 steps will be a good way for you to critically examine the JWs and their teachings and come to your own conclusion as to what they really are about.

    It has been said that religion satisfies psychological needs - our psychological needs may blind us so much so that we fail to engage our intellect in critically examining our choice of religion.

    All the best.

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