Thanks giving

by zeb 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • Holden Caufield
    Holden Caufield

    thank you.

  • Brokeback Watchtower
    Brokeback Watchtower

    Well I'm from the US and I'm not too keen on the government's choice of recorded sharing with the Indian population generousity towards people that would latter run over them and use them anyway they wanted once they got the upper hand over them and run them off their land all eventually. To me it is a poor choice by the government, something more neutral would have been better. Also we used to celibrate Columbus day and that guy was a real cruel tyrant. So I think someday they really should. But you never know what type of spin might fffly.

  • LV101

    Brokeback - the gov't is paying back millions to the 'Natives' and to what extent who knows but millions have been repaid. I've known Indian Native students who receive about $6-$7 thousand a month checks who were members of NV tribes. In the 1960s, if not earlier, students with a certain percentage of Native 'blood' received full rides -- those with cumulative GPAs. The Choctaw blood was doing pretty good decades ago -- received acreage with oil rights paying nice dividends. What about the Indian casinos? Someone is receiving money and I'm not so sure they're operated under NV gaming law.

    I'm not condoning the US history toward the Natives. US isn't unique running over for control but they certainly have made effort to pay back -- not that they could ever compensate the Natives. I don't like the history, either, but seems to be the nature until humans evolve a bit. I won't mention any presidential names but some would prefer to help other countries and redistribute the wealth - in mega doses.

    It would be interesting to study the Native history -- the truth.

  • Brokeback Watchtower
    Brokeback Watchtower

    I'm glad the government is repaying the natives, it shows the people running the government have a conscience. That's good news to me and I'm only about 1/8 or less native from my fraternal grandmother's side she was 1/2 or less.

    The US government worries me sometimes as I gaze upon it unbiased(as much as possible) history toward people which reflects the thinking of time, and I take heart when a more kinder approach to dealing with people in the way of national development is used.

    I have a lot of residual distrust from living through the Nixon presidency and his carpet bombing of innocent people to destabilize the Cambodian government and bring an end to the Vietnam war with horror for USA.

  • LV101

    The Indian casinos are making billions (most in populated areas anyway and there are many) and there has been reparations ongoing for long time. Yes, we get enough info today re/candidates provided we can just drop the political biases and make judicious decisions. We've certainly had crooked/corrupt presidents - lots of power. It's amazing -- need to stop voting/wanting misfits in power and look at their get rich schemes and track record in politics. Not so easy to be objective when they're same party affiliation.

    1/8 sounds pretty good - thought you only had to be 1/16th to be considered for Native benefits - loans, etc? I really don't know but I knew two gals who received the benefits of college and masters - their father was 1/2 Native Indian. Plus they benefit off the land and oil their grand parents were deeded. There's many benefits today.

  • Brokeback Watchtower
    Brokeback Watchtower

    I'm 3/4 thru a dvd "Nixon" by Oliver Stone, Anthony Hopkins does a great job as Nixon. You get the wrong man in power you got trouble. BTW how is the American voting public supposed to know if a candidate is a psychopath as Nixon was? That is a big problem with a dumbed down voting public, it is easy to fool them.

  • LV101

    BBW - good question. I'll watch the video.

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