Todays Daily text is yet another gem of spiritual encouragement

by NikL 11 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • NikL

    Wednesday, March 29

    If a man takes a false step before he is aware of it, you who have spiritual qualifications try to readjust such a man in a spirit of mildness.—Gal. 6:1.

    Kindness can help you to deal with a conflict of loyalties. For example, you may have definite knowledge that a certain fellow believer is guilty of serious misconduct. You may feel loyal to him, especially if he is a close friend or a relative. But if you were to cover up the wrongdoing, you would be disloyal to God. Of course, your loyalty to Jehovah should come first. Be kind yet firm. Urge your friend or relative to seek the help of the elders. If he or she does not do so within a reasonable period of time, loyalty to God should move you to report the matter to the elders. In doing this, you are being loyal to Jehovah and kind to your friend or relative, for Christian elders will try to readjust such an individual with mildness.—Lev. 5:1. w16.02 4:14

    Evidently (WT uses that word so much I figured what the Hell)...Evidently, God needs you to rat out your friends because he is so busy with other things.

    I can't believe I ever bought into this frigging cult.

  • Yesu Kristo Bwana Wangu
    Yesu Kristo Bwana Wangu

    Nice observation.

    What are your current beliefs if I may ask?

    I currently am inclined to follow the teachings of Protestant Arminianism.

  • neat blue dog
    neat blue dog

    The original Greek says "you the spiritual ones", and the whole surrounding context is comparing spiritual people with earthly, fleshly people. There is absolutely no basis for the translation "spiritual qualifications", implying a 'judicial' context.

  • kpop

    Am I the only one who gets physically sick now from reading JW literature?

  • stan livedeath
    stan livedeath

    kpop: "Am I the only one who gets physically sick now from reading JW literature? "

    no--me too--only i got sick reading it when i was a dub. thankfully not read any in 40+ years now. feeling much better.

  • never a jw
    never a jw

    George Orwell wrote the book on Jehovah's Witnesses (1984). He just changed names to protect the identities of real people and deities.

  • ToesUp

    When we were kids, it was called tattleing.

  • punkofnice
    Kindness can help you to deal with a conflict of loyalties.

    Can? That's not very positive.

    For example, you may have definite knowledge that a certain fellow believer is guilty of serious misconduct.

    In other words something that Watchtower corporation doesn't want getting out. due to their fragile ego and love of money.

    You may feel loyal to him, especially if he is a close friend or a relative.

    Yes, you bloody well should!

    But if you were to cover up the wrongdoing, you would be disloyal to God.

    God? Appeal to authority? Trying to make it look like a god is interested in a corporation that poses as a religion. I laugh up my sleeve.

    Of course, your loyalty to Jehovah should come first.

    But he doesn't exist. They must mean loyalty to a corporate entity.

    Be kind yet firm.

    Be a patronising busy body they mean

    Urge your friend or relative to seek the help of the elders.

    If in doubt ask a window cleaner or milkman that has delusions of grandeur.

    If he or she does not do so within a reasonable period of time, loyalty to God should move you to report the matter to the elders.

    Guilt trip.

    In doing this, you are being loyal to Jehovah and kind to your friend or relative, for Christian elders will try to readjust such an individual with mildness.—Lev. 5:1. w16.02 4:14

    Kind to your friend or relative? Rubbish. You just sold them to a vile money grubbing corporation. What a person does is none of their goddam business. Why can't those fools just live and let live?

    Beware. It's a cult.

  • ambersun

    What a horrible text. Report your nearest and dearest to the elders which will probably result in them getting df'd and you will then have to shun them forever.

    If this isn't proof that they break up families then I don't know what is.

    Makes me so glad that I am no longer answerable to them.


    you may have definite knowledge that a certain fellow believer is guilty of serious misconduct.

    Urge your friend or relative to seek the help of the elders. If he or she does not do so within a reasonable period of time, loyalty to God should move you to report the matter to the elders.

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