Helpful Video with Fact Citations

by Smiles 6 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Smiles

    This video may be helpful to someone you know inside or exiting WT captivity.

    The video is one long hour, but it unpacks damning fact-checked citations along with some dredged audio clips of GB BS, such as Fred Franz publicly doubling down on 1975, and Sam Herd publicly degrading women.

    The content will be familiar to most of us here, but it could be a 'Narcan' antidote to help awaken someone from the JW poison overdose.

    Millstone Research video:

  • Anna Marina
    Anna Marina
    Oh they've dug out literature used in 1956.
  • Smiles

    "they", as in governing body dweeb Geof Jackson... Yes, in that video he explains why he proudly displays in his executive office an old book published by WT. He omits explaining that the book displays is a revised edition, not a first print volume, which contains some outrageous (anti-Jewish) commentary and other WT rhetoric.

  • Smiles

    Geof Jackson also fails to mention that the old book he boasts about is a publication that WT has attempted making unavailable to modern view. Even JW members will not find a digital copy of the book via normal WT channels, and certainly cannot order a hardcopy from WT as the book was long ago placed on the checklist for obsolete/discard/destroy.

    These days the contents of most old publications are embarassing to the WT image.

    Why Geof Jackson was permitted to go on camera publicly raving about that old book is yet another GB blunder.

    We can expect much more GB folly to come in the future as they continue to seek greater screen-time and appoint new misguided characters as members of the governing body.

  • Anna Marina
    Anna Marina

    Yes I thought - that book has not been available for a long, long time. I have a copy that was used for studies in the 1960s - it says things about Israel and the UN. I never studied this book. Never read it actually.

  • ThomasMore

    WTC is working over-time to erase their past, but occasionally they stir up curiosity by their own arrogance. Jackson can't keep from tripping over himself as he attempts to undo what he has done. What a fiasco.

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    yes Millstone research. Great channel.

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