Does the Watchtower/JW Organization Regard its Readers & JWs as Fools and are they Secretly Laughing at Them?

by Disillusioned JW 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Disillusioned JW
    Disillusioned JW

    Does the Watchtower/JW Organization Regard its Readers & JWs as Fools and are they Secretly Laughing at Them? I think it does. For some examples consider the following.

    The WT literature has many times used odd language where they say one thing but word it in such a way as to suggest something else. They have said that a number of JWs drew incorrect expectations about a number of things, including about 1914 and 1975, though it was the WT itself which proclaimed and taught those expectations in the WT's literature to JWs. The WT, after they said it was a conscious matter for JWs to accept non-military service (such as being medical workers) instead of having to go to prison for refusal to engage in combat, said JWs were foolish to reject such an option - even though the WT previously said that those accepting such an option would be committing a grave wrong. A tremendous number of times the WT has made extravagant claims and have told JWs that they must agree with what the WT says or risk being shunned, yet later the WT abandoned a number of its claims saying their own claims were in error.

  • SadElder

    One thing about sheep... sheep are stupid.

    That's the WT concept in a nutshell.

  • hoser

    It’s about the money. They change whatever rules they need to in order to keep cash flow coming. Yes, they think the average publisher is a fool as they keep giving their money.

  • MeanMrMustard

    @Disillusioned JW:

    Interesting. In other words, you are asking to what extent does the GB engage in trollery?

    GB meeting notes:

    - So what new light should we write about now?

    - Uggg I don't know. I'm tired of these guys always wanting "new light". Just forking read the Bible and stop forking your friend's wife, right?

    - Yeah, sometimes they seem pretty clueless and dependant. *sigh*... Hey I got an idea, let's print something crazy to see how far it goes!

    - Isn't that dangerous?

    - Nah, we can always roll it back.

    - Hey, what if we tell them that the generation is really.. like three generations.

    - Wtf? You mean like three in one?

    - Yeah, lol. They don't buy the Trinity, but they'll probably tie themselves in knots to believe this. The generation that will not pass away is both one generation and three in the same sense at the same time.

    - Write it up! This aught to be good. I'm off to the liquor store.

    - Make sure you cross state lines - we don't need to pay these bull shirt taxes.

    Official meeting notes:

    - GB prayerfully considered new light on the generation spoken of by Jesus.

  • LongHairGal


    I always thought so.

    I also felt maybe they said outrageous things to DARE people to disagree so that they could pounce on somebody. Unfortunately, you heard crickets as the stupid ‘sheeplike’ people just went along with whatever was said.

    From what I read online it seems they are saying ever nervier things!

    Thankfully, I was never the type to go along with the crowd back then or I would be in a serious predicament today.. In my opinion, any JWs at this late date STILL pursuing poverty and avoiding college/careers on the say-so of hypocrites.. (in spite of ample warning seeing older people reaching retirement age unprepared, Bethelites kicked out and other needy types in the congregation)..deserve absolutely No pity from anybody.

  • EverApostate

    IMHO, most of the GB would know that they are running a show for their own survival. And if the show fails, their Luxurious life is at stake. I suspect the GB would be discussing this among themselves to keep the show going at any cost. And some may chuckle while discussing this, for sure

    Hardly any GB would really believe that the WT is an Organization guided by the Almighty. In fact some may even disbelieve that Jehovah really exists.

    I am saying this because the GB very well know about WTs dark past and their numerous false predications and interpretations and scandals. Knowing all these and having a faith that its Gods Organization, is highly impossible

  • Overrated

    Your one day sitting in a meeting and something is said in a talk or publication and you just sit there as your brain goes "Wait a minute " and everyone around you is clapping like brainless seals. You quickly come to the conclusion this is bullshit.

  • Rafe

    People who have being coerced and lured into being these men's subjective obedient slaves may not be consider fools wholeheartedly because these men see these people as a valuable and usable commodity to be exploited and manipulated to their own benefit.

    From an outsiders viewpoint these people are fools knowing whats going on in this controlled social arrangement.

    The whole game is played out in a power structure where the GB men, the most spiritual powerful within the organization, are at the top controlling everything down.

  • mickbobcat

    I don't think so. I think most of the hard core cult buys their own shit.

  • Sigfrid Mallozzi
    Sigfrid Mallozzi

    ", yet later the WT abandoned a number of its claims saying their own claims were in error."

    Isn't this "gaslighting"?

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