JWs and odd health practices

by Seeker 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • Seeker

    OK, rem, you and I will go into business together. I'll be your testimonial, and you'll be my testimonial. See, two satisfied customers already!

    Sad, really, to think that we probably could succeed at this if we really tried.

  • patio34

    Another thing,

    A 'sister' took it upon herself to call me and offer medical advice upon learning that I had colon cancer. She said she 'knew that fasting and other natural methods' could cure cancer. Had I listened to her bold and stupid advice I probably would be dead now. But that probably doesn't occur to her because she really is quite unintelligent.

    Just sounding off,

  • tergiversator


    Your mention of wheat grass made me twitch, remembering the last eight months that I lived at home, just after my mom got remarried and they started growing wheat grass and drinking it in smoothies. Nasty, nasty smelling stuff. My cat liked eating the grass though...

  • waiting
    Besides, JWs want to believe each other (which is why they are such easy marks for business cons among them). If Sister So-and-so said it, that's good enough for me!- Seeker

    I think this is an important point. Witnesses will disbelieve worldly people in a heartbeat - no basis, just "worldly". But if a jw comes to them with a business project, a health project, they'll have a listening ear, at least in the beginning.


  • hippikon

    I agree totally with JanH

    Iridology is still big here at the moment. Seems to me to be little more than divination or palmistry. To my knowledge there is no real science behind it. I find it ironic that divination is condemned in the Bible but the JWs eat up this stuff. (And don't start me about the pyramid thing)

    Has anyone done any scientific research on this?

    Slipnslidemaster: lol It's Hollo (as in Hollow) medicine not Homo medicine


    I think an awful lot of JW's go for alt therapies because there isnt actually anything physical wrong with them.
    I think there is a lot of truth to that. Amazing how well a placebo will work if your not actually sick. Or how sick you can become if someone looks into your eyes and tells you you are.

    "But it does move"

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