In 2015 Governing Body announces expansion all around the world...On second thought....Never Mind A Letter From the Governing Body

by RULES & REGULATIONS 10 Replies latest watchtower bible


    2015 Yearbook of Jehovah’s Witnesses

    A Letter From the Governing Body

    ''We also deeply appreciated your “loving labor” in connection with the construction of various theocratic facilities around the world. We urgently need such facilities, as the number of Jehovah’s people continues to increase. (Isa. 60:22) Just imagine, our peak publishers this past year was 8,201,545, while our Bible studies averaged 9,499,933 each month. As a result of the increase, many branch offices are in need of expansion or renovation. Of course, this also means that we need more Kingdom Halls! At the same time, remote translation offices are needed in many parts of the earth so that our translators can live and work in the area where their language is spoken.''

    Here is a somber Samuel Herd ( the smug smile is gone from the above photo) reading an announcement on how this joyful letter ( that was printed in the ''2015 Yearbook of Jehovah's Witnesses) really worked out!

    Please, Mr. Herd, tell the Bethel family and worldwide members that facilities were constructed, branch offices expanded or renovated, and new Kingdom Halls built with their '' dedicated funds''?

    Here is ''just the opposite'' news Mr. Herd was made to read:

    '' A good number of special full-time servants will be returning to the ranks of Regular Pioneers''

    '' We would need to reduce personnel, reduce the number of publications''

    '' Put some non-essential projects on hold''

    '' Reduce or eliminate various services at Bethel"

  • sir82

    Hail the theocracy

    Ever decreasing,

    Wondrous contraction

    Is now taking place


    I take that speech by Sam Herd as proof that the GB are not in charge, but owned, probably by the same group of Xian’s or the group who own Xianity who helped Trump get into office and laid their hands upon him. Sheesh, the WBTS was in bed with Jared Kushner and made a Billion dollars...

    The same Jared who is now Senior Advisor to the President. Coincidence???

    If there really is a Harlot and a Beast, the WTBTS is part of the Harlot of Babylon. They are just as involved as any other organized religion.

    Herd could barely bring himself to spit out the words he was no doubt required to say.


    Data-Dog said:
    I take that speech by Sam Herd as proof that the GB are not in charge, but owned, probably by the same group of Xian’s or the group who own Xianity who helped Trump get into office and laid their hands upon him. Sheesh, the WBTS was in bed with Jared Kushner and made a Billion dollars..

    I believe that the Watchtower Society and all its incorporations are just another money-making business disguised as a religion. Charles Taze Russell incorporated this religion to sell books and magazines. Throughout its 140 year history, how many books, Bibles, magazines, and real estate properties have been sold?

    The Watchtower Society pays no taxes and all labor is done by volunteers. It owns stocks and invests in Hedge Funds. Just like a corporation, they lay off workers to reduce medical costs. After long-serving Bethel members and Circuit/ District Overseers reach a certain age, they are pushed out for much younger members whose medical costs won't be a burden. The Watchtower Society is reducing personnel, publications, and projects because of all the pedophile lawsuits.

    I believe the Watchtower Society is run by a group of lawyers and owned by a corporation whose identity will never be discovered. The Governing Body members are used as a front by this unknown corporation.

  • Thechickennest

    I separated from the corporation many years ago both mentally and otherwise. All said and done nonetheless, the blistering truth about how this organization reworked itself to a consortium of legal enmities with no love left to offer is upsetting to me. Do any of you on here believe if Franz had been listened to instead of thrown out in the seventies, the outcome of this wholesale change of the organization in past decade would have turned out differently? Would the pedophilia been addressed? Would the old misguided doctrine been changed? I first started attending meetings when I was in my late teens in a small congregation. The entire atmosphere and very being of organization totally different from what it has become now. I came back here to this site recently to learn the way things turned out organizationally. I'm a little taken back by what I have learned. I am glad I didn't stick around for this change. I'm appalled at the greed, cover ups, how many victoms of pedophilia are involved, my list could go on and on.

  • keinlezard


    Somebody do have the video reference ? Date ? or better the link :)

    I can not find it on ?

    Best Regards

    Somebody do have the video reference ? Date ?


    Jehovah's Witnesses Ran out of Money

  • sir82

    I believe the Watchtower Society is run by a group of lawyers and owned by a corporation whose

    identity will never be discovered.

    There is a shocking amount of mob money laundering going on all over the world, much of it involving US entities. I would not be (very much) surprised if the WTS were somehow part of it.


    Nothing would shock me, except some Jewish/Zionist/Reptilian Alliance bent on destroying our souls to feed them to their God. Even that would only phase me for a few seconds before I joined the rebellion.

    I’m sure the truth will end up on Joe Rogan’s Podcast at some point.


  • LongHairGal


    Yes, we will never know what may have happened in the Witness religion if certain people were still there. We can only know what IS.

    I know you are appalled at the greed, coverups, etc. I always felt the JW religion was bad in that it was intrusive but things have gotten a lot worse. I’m out many years myself and am also glad I didn’t stick around for these changes because I’d never have tolerated it.

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