Reinstated and Still Shuned!

by new boy 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • zeb
    So he was in limbo for 3 + years. He could have got a college diploma in thattime. Why the hell did he want to go back?
  • just fine
    just fine
    I knew someone like that when I was in over 20 years ago. He was disfellowshipped and reinstated, but never accepted back. It was awful for him.
  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim
    Not only is it a long road back to getting reinstated, if that's one's desire. But once you're back in the Borg, you really have to earn the JWs respect back. That's how high control cult groups work. You become seriously jaded for a great time after. You have to once again prove yourself that you are a good JW. I believe it's part of the elders training also. A total 180 degree turn from this latest broadcast about your ''ways'' being forgotten.
  • Esse quam videri
    Esse quam videri

    new boy '... He had commited adultery with another "brothers" wife. Who he was now married to...'

    Screw around with a man's wife and then steal her. Wreck his family and then you want me to chum around with you? I don't care if you are reinstated. Stay the hell away from me.

  • new boy
    new boy

    to Esse Quam viden

    Remember that Adultery is a provision from Jehovah with out it, you could never get out of your bad marriage and get remarried. .

  • Vidiot

    Forever tainted and labelled...

    ...the real reason JWs fear being DFed.

  • respectful_observer
    As a person who is physically ill may be restricted from eating certain foods or from engaging in certain activities until his condition shows marked improvement, so a person who is spiritually weak may be relieved of certain responsibilities in the congregation until there is evidence of his regaining spiritual strength.

    So apparently "certain responsibilities" includes commenting at the meeting? So let me get this straight-- Sr. Pioneer's female Bible study who openly has a live-in boyfriend, finishes her cigarette before entering the KH, and who wears pants to the meeting (horrors!) is free to comment during the meeting. Of course she does not qualify for the ministry because of her personal conduct,


    ...the baptized sister who is "on reproof" is not permitted to raise her hand and comment during the meeting due to her personal conduct, yet she is still expected to be active in the ministry.

    Sure, that logic makes sense.

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    **...the baptized sister who is "on reproof" is not permitted to raise her hand and comment during the meeting due to her personal conduct, yet she is still expected to be active in the ministry.

    Sure, that logic makes sense. ***

    They just roll with the punches. Still, it makes you wonder at times, doesn't it!!!!!

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