Triyearly Snoozefest, Here I Come

by Saethydd 4 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Saethydd
    My family is dragging me to the "Increase Your Faith in the 7 Guys in New York Who Control Your Life." Circuit Assembly today. Hopefully, I can get a chair or two between them and me so I can finish ready Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix while I'm there.
  • scratchme1010

    Get some booze too.

  • StephaneLaliberte

    You know Saethydd, one way to pass the time is to try to see how you could reword the talk to take God out of it and be an incredible motivational speaker.

    For instance, not long ago, there was a brother doing a talk on the Ego for the Gilead School (On Mike and Kim's channel). While I listened to it, I thought he had some very good comments and if I took out religion out of that talk, at least 80% of it would have remained for a great motivational speech!

    Of course, there are other talks that are way too into the cult to do this type of things, so it won't work every time.

  • pbrow

    Why not just read it openly?... maybe a smurf will walk by and jump in the pool!


  • blondie

    We drove past the nearby KH and noticed no one was there Sunday....CA time. The jws I knew viewed it as a time to see jw friends from other congregations and go out to eat with them afterwards. If you went up and asked what was the point they took away with it they would give a blank look. They don't pay attention either.

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