We've Come A Long Way Baby!! Compare these two pieces of propaganda

by Terry 13 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Terry

    I was one year out of High School and attending the Assembly in Dallas, Texas when I heard the buzz about this new half-hour move--an actual MOVIE the Watchtower had produced called "Heritage."
    So, all of us teens (I was 19) sat in the vast audience and the lights went down and the screen flickered as our hearts beat a little faster in anticipation.



    I don't think our reaction (those of us young JW's) was quite what the propaganda Master Minds in NY had in mind!
    We were embarrassed at how awful this film was.
    It was beyond being a 1950's style B-grade teen rebellion film. This piece of crap reflected badly on the very idea the Supreme Being was directing it!!

    Now, fast-forward. . .

    What do we have today as propaganda? Is it schlock?
    No, I would argue the following clip is remarkably well-made and hits just

    the right tone for its intended audience: anybody who has lost a loved one.



    You may disagree, of course, but when it comes to manipulation and emotional appeal--I think this knocks the ball out of the ballpark.

    Give credit where credit is due.

    This new crew at the helm of the Watchtower propaganda department is slick, professional and savvy.

    I think we are 'witnessing' a whole new era.

    What's your take on it?

  • Finkelstein

    The 1960's saw a great cultural revolution which alarmed many of the older previous generation on many different levels from sexuality, to dress, work, drugs and many other anti establishment attitudes ... the list goes on.

    The older generation of JWS saw this as vitriol rebelliousness to established authoritative order, which in some circumstances perhaps they were right but then again the previous generation were too rigidly structured and oppressed by overly controlled conservatism.

    Metaphorically the evil giant that David should have killed should have been the Watchtower Corporation and its lying corrupt self serving coercive doctrines.

  • Terry
    This was the decade of Hippies, Peaceniks, free love, beads, Rock n Roll and here I am, a JW cult misfit Nerd in my suity-wooty and pearl tie pin!

  • sparky1

    HERITAGE: The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society's version of Reefer Madness meets Leave it to Beaver.

  • Finkelstein

    Unfortunately for many the over the top oppressiveness of the WTS made many young people leave and venture into abusive lifestyles and behaviors. ie. sex, drugs drinking, smoking, associating with non-JWS etc.

    Its like keep on about all the notty things one shouldn't do and guess what the striving independent rebellious teenagers do ?

  • Dagney
    Wow! I have never heard of this movie.
  • SafeAtHome
    And look how happy you look Terry! Could only get into about 3 minutes of "Heritage". (Barf) The other link doesn't work on my Kindle. Says it has been moved or deleted?
  • baker
    What a great move to show current JW,s as to how silly the videos they have now will seem 50 years from now. Im just disappointed when the "movie" mentioned generation several times they didn't give a smoking gun about 1975 or the 1914 generation we could show current JW,s how far off they were back then. Any one has any other audio or video about the 1914 generation that will not pass away? If you do it would be the "smoking gun" we could show them.
  • Terry
  • baker
    The link you followed may have expired, or the page may only be visible to an audience you're not in.

    Sorry terry, can't connect , were close to dallas

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