Want to help my JW friend

by wannahelp 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • wannahelp

    Thank you Thinker for your comments...!!!

    I stopped by to see him today... He is very interested in getting a new job, since he currently only works part time.. He needs more money.. I asked him if that was because he needs to be able to provide for his future wife (Who BTW wants to be a full time pioneer!). His response is that he could get married without a good job.. I quipped 'Would her father approve', and his answer was a resounding no!

    Does anyone know what he is talking about with levels of dating?

    He said to me there are 6 levels to dating, and he is on level #1.. When I asked him to explain it to me, he said when I figure it out I'll let you know!!!

    He is also spending lots of time over her house (Keeps telling me how he's over there until 2-3 in the morning)...

    If he can truly be happy as a JW and get married and have a 'normal' marriage and a life long partner, I certainly don't want to interfere with that, but then again, something in me says that is going to be a stretch to say the least.. In all the time I've known him, he's never seemed happy to me yet, and even now that he's started to day, I still don't see him overly happy.. It appears that everything he does is out of "duty" and not from his heart!!!

    I'm listening to every post made here, as I'm trying to get a handle on this one as best as I can (being an outsider)..

    He has made it very clear to me that he is 'opening up' his feelings to me, but I wonder if that is a genuine thought, or if he is just trying to manipulate me into me offering him a job again.. I haven't yet because I told him even though I love him unconditionally and think of him as a good friend, the fact that he may be unable to reciprocate those feelings towards me will only cause friction on a daily basis, and I don't think it's fair for that to occur!!!

    Of course, he then goes into the "We can be friends, to a point".. And I quip that I don't understand conditional friendship or love, please try to explain to me how conditional love and friendship will make me feel accepted no matter what decisions I make in my life..

    I usually get a, "You just don't understand"....

    I know that JW's are taught "Theocratic War Strategy"... Does that also include manipulation to get what they want??

    Thanks for all the responses everyone!!! keep 'em coming, and I'll be keeping you all posted on the events..

    Oh, one last comment Thinker.. I keep harping on the fact with him, "I encourage you to date and get married, if that is indeed what you want!!!!" I remind him at every turn that if this is NOT what he feels in his heart, then he should examine his heart and find out what's the issue!!!

  • Naeblis

    Careful he doesnt sue you for firing him because of "Religious reasons"

  • wannahelp

    I thought of that one actually.. He and I agreed that I did not fire him, nor did he quit.. It was a mutual agreement beneficial for both of us...

  • beverykind

    I know this was an old post. But any word on how things turned out for the friend. Not good with message boards(I have not used one before) don't know if any even reads the old ones. . .

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