How more vague can the society get at the assemblies?

by be wise 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron

    I think a follow up question that arises is : when do we hit the bottom of Witness stupidity? Does such a bottom even exist?

    How much self-deceit is possible in a human being in a free, Western society?

    Examples: the Witness wife, who sees her kids drifting away, the dead meetings, the imaginary 'ministry', the uncaring elders

    the Witness brother, who preaches Armageddon soon, while funding his 401K/Keogh/IRA plan

    the Witness kid, who plays the part until he can leave home

    the Writing Staff brother who crafts deception, spews platitudes, and avoids a dozen doctrinal controversies,

    How does this go on? When does someone jump up at a meeting , as in the movie "Network"

    and yell "I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore!, this is stupid!"

    Like watching a magician float a lady in mid air, you wonder what holds it all up..


  • willyloman
    How does this go on? When does someone jump up at a meeting ... and yell "I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore!, this is stupid!" Like watching a magician float a lady in mid air, you wonder what holds it all up..

    I guess to understand that you'd have to be "in the truth" for 30 years and be entering into your 50's or 60's and not have cultivated a single friendship with any non-witness for decades. I asked one sister why she doesn't just walk, and she said, "I need friends. I need social interaction."

    In her mind, it was just too daunting a task to go out and make friends "in the world" at this late date. She reasoned that she'd have to join another church or some volunteer organization and get actively involved for some time before she developed new friends to replace the old ones.

  • Pistoff

    willy wrote:

    I guess to understand that you'd have to be "in the truth" for 30 years and be entering into your 50's or 60's and not have cultivated a single friendship with any non-witness for decades. I asked one sister why she doesn't just walk, and she said, "I need friends. I need social interaction."

    In her mind, it was just too daunting a task to go out and make friends "in the world" at this late date. She reasoned that she'd have to join another church or some volunteer organization and get actively involved for some time before she developed new friends to replace the old ones

    This is the CRUX of the matter, as far as I see it. I am DONE with it; if my wife said let's never go back, I never would. She is just beginning to see the cracks; she knows the sex abuse issue is real, and is very fed up with the lack of love/shepherding/marginally intelligent elders in the hall, but she has social ties that she likes. I like them well enough, but am unwilling to swallow the load of bullpucky that comes with the association.

    OTOH, I know my fair share of those who never planned for retirement, are just in a waiting pattern; they seem very confused and light on every scrap of what they see as proof of the nearness of the new system. It is so pathetic.

    Great thread!

  • yesidid

    It is not correct that all DC talks are scripts. Many are just outlines.

    However the speakers are expected to stay very close to the outline, and word for word the scripts.

    It is also true that there is a "proof reader" in admin for the script talks and a checker for the outlines.

  • Euphemism

    I can confirm yesidid's father had that job one year.

  • Mary
    Those who are assigned a manuscript talk should read the material word for word. They do not reword or rearrange the material.

    Almost makes Star Trek's Borg, seem almost Democratic eh?

  • Mr Lebowski
    Mr Lebowski

    1) They seem to be just as vague as they were for the 20 years I attended - nothing new here.

    2) As far as the statements they made about talking to the media, you get basically the same thing if you're an employee of Wal-Mart or a member of a large non-profit group such as the Sierra Club, especially if they are involved in a high-profile lawsuit. (Minus the Satanic paranoia, of course...)

    Doesn't make it right, but doesn't make it surprising either...

  • be wise
    be wise
    Like watching a magician float a lady in mid air, you wonder what holds it all up.

    I don't think it could be put any better!

  • rocketman
    "You have to question the motive of any group or organization that seeks to control information about itself to it's members". They called me conspiratorial. Go figure.

    Seems as though those in "the truth" can't really handle the possibility that what they hear may not be the real truth. And notice their response - rather than investigate, they are programmed to just shut it all out.

  • xjw_b12

    I actually like the idea of manuscript talks. It was probably accelerated after the pre 75 fiasco, where brothers got up on stage, and starting adding their own comments to outlines. Comments like ' Brothers in the overall scheme of things, Armageddon is just minutes away'

    Now when you hear a comment from the stage, you will know it's drivel directly from Brooklyn, and not some DO's personal diatribe.

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