The Watchtower Injures Families and Hurts Kids

by metatron 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • patio34

    Hey Waiting,

    Thanks for the kudos, sis! And, of course, your kiddos are terrific--and so good looking too!


  • safe4kids

    Hey Waiting and Patio...You guys are sisters?? That's so cool! My sister posts here too, in fact, she's the one who turned me onto this site.
    Metatron...I agree with you, great post.
    JanG...I understand that whole discipline thing you wrote about...I was raised very strictly and corporal punishment (and beyond) was "lavished" upon us. When I had my son, I remember being in the mother's room at the hall..he was fussing (around 6 mos. old) and I was sitting back there actually kind of glad he was making noise as I was able to escape from the incredibly boring meeting and chat with other mothers Anyway, an elder's wife...I will NEVER forget this...kindly offered me some advice...she told me that it was never too early to start disciplining our children, training them in how to behave at the KH...and then shared that she had spanked her daughter when she was only 6 mos. old!!!!! I was aghast. I didn't tell her what I thought of such abuse but I sure as hell was determined that my children would not be subjected to what I had gone through as a child. I did spank my kids for a few years(but NOT as babies!) but they were pretty young when I left (thank the cosmos!) and I made the decision that I would not use physical violence to discipline them. But I do remember the times that I spanked them and then cried with them...interestingly enough, I have been using alternate forms of discipline with my kids for a few years now and they are pretty good kids (so far ...

    "A woman without a man is like a fish without a bicycle."
    Somebody else

  • patio34

    Hi Safe4Kids,

    I always enjoy your posts. Who is your sister?


  • bluesapphire

    Metatron, I'm sorry to hear about how the WTS ruined your relationship with your child. You are 100% right in saying that the parental guidance is inhibited or outright destroyed by the WTS stupid and absurd and rediculous approach to child-rearing. I'm more fortunate than you because my kids are still so little 9, 9 and 11. And I've been out for two years. But even so, they resent that for six years of their young lives they were made to endure endless meetings, stupid waste-of-time field service, forced to "make a stand" at school and not say the flag salute and step out of the class during birthdays and holiday activities, etc.

    All I can say when they "vent" with me is "I am sooo sooo sorry!" Then they say, "We're just glad we are out!" And we all breathe a sigh of relief. But nothing will bring back those precious years of their youth - NOTHING!

    Now they are approaching puberty and young adulthood and I thank God that I have a balanced outlook and an open line of communication with them. There is nothing they could do that would make me reject them and they KNOW it. Lots of times with my eldest I see her making the same mistakes that I made. I say things like, "I did that and this is what happened to me." Fortunately she still listens. But I know she's going to make some wrong decisions. I'm glad I'm not in a religion that would force me to SHUN any of my daughters. They are too precious.

    Whatever comes down the road - good or bad - I will be there for them. Whatever choices they make, whatever religon they choose, whoever they marry -- ANYTHING. I will still love them! How sad for people like my husband whose mother will not validate him. He has been tried, judged and convicted by her and her love is CONDITIONAL. Aren't we so glad to be out of this kult!

  • safe4kids

    Think41self is my sister...she left shortly after I did and we have never looked back!

    "A woman without a man is like a fish without a bicycle."
    Somebody else

  • bluesapphire

    Jan G, Can you e-mail me at [email protected]

    I have some questions to ask you regarding your post about the Satanic memories.


  • patio34

    I KNEW it was Think41self, well, I thought it was. There is a similarity in your posts, or something.

    Thanks for answering my question so promptly.

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