Letter writing question

by carla 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • carla

    So the jw's are no longer goind d2d but instead are writing letters- my question is what return address are they putting on the letters? their own or the kh? The kh's in our area have no mailbox and therefore no mail can be delivered or returned to a kh.

    Thanks in advance!

  • Drearyweather

    own personal address

  • truth_b_known

    Kingdom Hall. Got one in the mail.

  • sir82

    Some use the KH address if it has a mailbox.

    Some congregations rent a PO box.

    Some JWs probably put their own home address.

    Others might just leave the return address blank.

  • Tahoe
  • Bill Covert
    Bill Covert

    I use a Kingdom Hall address.

    In the 2013 convention discourse "Human Apostates" they talk about a new tactic of apostates writing local publishers homes, I am that guy. Since 2004 I have written several hundred letters to the homes of publishers for the purpose of penetrating the internal church grape vine so as to do a end around on the church shunning policy. Every letter deals with a $4.250M unregistered securities swindle and how it connects to the 1987 Wt article "A Time to Speak When?" commentary on Lev.5:1 [see Barbara Anderson article "Flawed Decrees Conceal Criminals"].

    It works good. Next letter is waiting for court houses to open for Zalkin Law Firm to file molestation law suites to make it into media. Some local elders whom have connection to the $4.250M fraud are going to have some bad days. There has been a 30 year contest between myself and WTB&TS Service Dept. as to who is the better mind fucker [crazy it has been 30 years].

    The sad part it is these letters that is the only way I can communicate with my sons.

    For me the importance of this site is to be able to confound the publishers that I know the breaking issues before they hear them at the Hall.

  • road to nowhere
    road to nowhere

    KH use initials for name

    Postage should save the post office budget this year

    Starting: "With covid, riots, BLM, showing we are deep into the critical hard to deal with last days....." pretty much guarantees no one reads to the JW.org hook at the end

  • Anders Andersen
    Anders Andersen

    Official instructions say:

    On the outside of the envelope, always provide a return address​—preferably your own postal address. If you feel that it would be unwise to give your own address when witnessing by letter to strangers, ask the elders if they would approve of your using the return address of the local Kingdom Hall. The Watch Tower Society’s address should never be used for this purpose, as this would improperly indicate that your correspondence was sent from the Society’s offices and would cause confusion. If no return address is provided and literature is included, this too may give the wrong impression that the Society is the sender.
  • Anders Andersen
    Anders Andersen

    Isn't it strange?

    All JW are ambassadors for Christ and represent him with everything they say and do. They must freely share Christ's words and thoughts, and explain them to all people.

    But they must never ever even give the impression they are ambassadors of Watchtower inc. or speak on Watchtower's behalf.

  • smiddy3

    Very true Anders Anderson ,just as R&F JW`s are not employees of JW.Org or Watchtower but are only volunteers supporting the organization as interested persons and have no official contract with the organization whatsoever.

    The WTB&TS do not want to be tied to anything that a volunteer JW says or does that could come back and bite them in the ass , especially with a lawsuit.

    I doubt that very many JW`s would understand the vulnerability they are under volunteering for the WTB&TS and how much they would be left out on a limb if it came to a crunch.

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