Bad news...

by joannadandy 18 Replies latest social current

  • joannadandy

    Sorry--been away from the computer lately...

    Jelly--Spanner posted the link I found it on.

    Thanks Spanner!

    Latin Assassin--

    Do you think it's fair that someone point a gun at your head because you don't believe in Allah? Do you think it's fair that women in Afghanistan are treated with less dignity than livestock?

    I don't really think this is the issue anymore. I have been following the Taliban rule in Afganistan since 98, not because of Bin Laden, I didn't even know who he was really, but because of the human rights violations carried out on women. No one doubts that these were extreme fundamentalists who abused their religious and political power on their own people.

    The point is, things are not over--but no one is talking about what's happening in Afganistan, and it's obvious our troops could be in serious trouble if they get caught off from the rest of the forces. That's bad news indeed.

  • shamus

    Lovely. The U.S. has yet another "Viet Nam" to look after. Good one. Talk about not learning from your past mistakes....

  • blacksheep

    Oh, yes, it's always convenient to point to the whining "Vietnam" argument. Care to elaborate? Care to explain how Dem presidents got us into it, and how Repub presidents got us out of it?

    I'm growing weary of naysayers who seem to always get it wrong. I have to wonder what motivates them.

  • blacksheep

    “The point is, things are not over--but no one is talking about what's happening in Afganistan, and it's obvious our troops could be in serious trouble if they get caught off from the rest of the forces. That's bad news indeed.”

    You seem to be good at generalities. Care to highlight some very specifics? Do you have contacts over there? What exactly IS happening in Afganistan? What’s happening in Iraq?

    Really, I think you need to explain yourselves a bit more if you want to make a point. Are you saying the Afghanis and Iraqiis are worse off after US actions?

  • blacksheep

    "As expected.

    Just announced, Canadian peacekeepers will be sent to Afghanistan, on what could be, a dangerous mission.

    It's probably the first major peacekeeping mission from Canada to this part of the world in recent memory.

    As I had suspected, several months ago, that this would happen.

    I wish the Canadian peacekeepers luck, and the Afghani people, success at rebuilding their nation."

    Do clarify, you "suspected this would happen several months ago?" LOL. FTR, seems like a contradiction in terms. "Peace keeping" implies peace already exists in a nation. That clearly is not the case in Iraq. Interesting spin. But, go ahead and pat your country on the back (while obviously slamming the US, lol). You obviously need the confidence boost! Glad to see Canada's taking such a "peace-keeping" agressive stance, lol.

  • blacksheep

    Oh, and to the person proclaiming the "quagmire," way to go. Yes, everything's hopeless, too complex...we're hopelessly, irrevocabely inmesshed. We need more and more "discussions:" we need to "understand" the Islamofascist psyche, we need to use detente, compromise, negotiate. Wait, wait, wait.

    What an incredibly weak position. Thank god not everyone buys that bull.

    Sorry, possibly ex-JW'ism is getting the best of me. But I don't particularly see how you can negotiate with the likes of bin Laden and Saddam Hussein. And I'm sick of the naysayers who think there must be some other "better way" to deal with them, but don't seem to be able to articulate it.


    Blacksheep, um...where was I slamming the US?

    You mentioned Iraq: I mentioned Afghanistan.

    Peacekeeping is not a one-nation operation.

    The statement you made regarding 'peacekeeping' in nation/s that 'implies peace already exists in a nation', I'm sorry is ridiculous.

    It's a combined effort of many nations, that ensures nations that are healing from civil war, or other calamity, a chance to rebuild, repair and hopefully get on the road to recovery.

    Did I suspect that this would happen some months ago? Of course. Having family in the military, and talk of 'being sent to Afghanistan', it was only a matter of time before it happened.

    What could be offensive or so off-setting to you that it placed you on the defense.

    I wasn't attacking you, or your nation.


  • Latin assassin from Manhattan
    Latin assassin from Manhattan

    There hasn't been as much coverage of the action in Afghanistan because the American media is only interested in reporting the deaths of our men in Iraq and nailing President Bush for sending them there. I have to admit, that American news media (specifically in television) is by far, the most ungrateful, biased and the most twisted in this regard. The media fails to emphasize that Hussein's Republican Guard is the 4th largest army in the world, and highly trained. Though most of their forces have been destroyed, they possess enough manpower to execute these ambushes on American troops.

    The media has more influence on foreign policy then we might realize. The only reason we pulled out of Vietnam is because the media had given too much exposure to our losses. As a result, protests broke out under the impression that were losing the war. But if you look at the below link with it's sources you will see that the enemy lost far more than we did. But did the media report any of this? Of course not. So now the world thinks that every U.S. military engagement will become another Vietnam - think again.

    Though we may have lost some ground in Afghanistan, rest assured it will not be another Vietnam. The forces and technology employed at that time were still in their infancy - today these are unmatched.

    Yes, there will be casualties and battles will be lost. But such is the nature of war. Ours is a war on terrorism - and we are winning. We beat fascism, we beat communism, terrorism will be next on the list.

  • Stan Conroy
    Stan Conroy
    Though we may have lost some ground in Afghanistan, rest assured it will not be another Vietnam.

    Do you know the last time Afghanistan was defeated? There was some guy named Alexander the Great in charge.

    Ours is a war on terrorism - and we are winning. We beat fascism, we beat communism, terrorism will be next on the list.

    You beat communism, huh? 1/4 of the worlds population in China may disagree.


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