Elders told to befriend young ones.

by LostintheFog1999 6 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • LostintheFog1999

    Someone on this forum kindly posted a link to the program of the current elders' training schools taking place.

    I was just looking at it and thought that the part I have highlighted looks innocent enough unless the elder has an overfondness for young ones.

    If he is spending too much time with the younger ones he can say, with hand on his heart, I am simply following through on the latest direction from the organisation about befriending, training, and mentoring the young.

  • waton

    good that these instructions will for the time being leave the young females un molested.

  • Hellothere

    Everything watchtower does is common of group's that leaders are living in compound and detached from reality and life of regular people. They should have obeyed Jesus command to follow his steps closely.

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    Seems creepy.

  • Balaamsass2

    Yes, Beth Sarim..creepy. I think the Police refer to this as "grooming". :) lol

  • enoughisenough

    I knew of this situation that happened many years ago. ( told to me by the family members) A married circuit overseer would stay at a sister's home. She had 3 daughters and one son. When the CO and the wife would stay there, the wife shared room with the girls and the CO with the young man. Also, the young man was invited to go along ( seems like to maybe travel with...can't ask now as I am a pariah!) with the CO one summer if I recall correctly. The mother of the young man was happy this CO was paying attention to her son as she was a widow...the oldest of the 4 kids was 7 when the dad was killed in the Korean War -that helps with the dates. He grew up without a father and that always bothered him. He also grew up Bi-polar and Gay. He was disfellowshipped for a while for his orientation, but got reinstated. He was a very mixed up and sweet soul. He wasn't allowed a funeral at the KH because of his many issues...He would cry and say, " All I ever wanted to do was serve Jehovah." ( the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak )

    It wasn't only the boy who was prey for sexual predators in the JW, but also the girls. The mother ended up moving away from one town/congregation to another because someone in the congregation was Handling the girls and no one would believe it, so the Mom took the family away from that scene.

  • HiddlesWife

    This cultporation is and has influenced--IN BLACK AND WHITE--their clergy to GET CLOSE to young people, including children. The elduhs can not give any excuses, saying that it was implied or random comments via talks from COs, DOs, plus other WT representatives. No, it is in FULL PRINT* that this is encouraged for elduhs and no doubt MSs to do so. [*I betcha this info was LIVE AND IN TECHNICOLOR within a Borg Video or 2 somewhere!] So, this "suggestion/mandate" is what will give PEDOS carte blanche to have access to commit CSAs throughout the cultporation, and thinking that them free reign to get away with these crimes without any consequences! ๐Ÿ‘†โ˜๐Ÿฝ๐Ÿคจ๐Ÿคฌ

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