Flying Scotsman Visits My Town

by cofty 30 Replies latest social current

  • freddo

    Flying Scotsman:

    Last run by B.R. in 1963. Bought by Alan Pegler and run as a private venture with some government backing until 1970. This loco often wore "smoke deflectors" but not always.

    The second tender was made to carry water in 1966 for railtours as steam facilities on the east coast of Britain were being withdrawn. By the late summer of 1968 all B.R. regular steam had been withdrawn.

    I believe the black and white picture by cofty was in late 1968 as the engine had been painted in LNER colours and is running a second (water) tender. Shortly after this final East Coast UK railtour Flying Scotsman toured the USA.


    Built in right at the end of 1950 and entering service in January 1951 by British Railways as the first "standard" locomotive and withdrawn from service in 1966. She was used for King George VI's funeral train in February 1952. It has always worn "smoke deflectors"

    This locomotive is preserved and in running order being used for railtours.

    These engines are of similar power output - the Flying Scotsman being a more complicated 3 cylinder design with slightly bigger driving wheels for fast passenger work up to about 100 mph whereas Britannia was a post war "economical" 2 cylinder design equally at home on fast freight trains.

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