The immorality of C Russell and J Rutherford founding members of the Watchtower Organization

by Finkelstein 20 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Finkelstein

    Something that gets little attention or not enough is the what kind of social behavioral people were the ones who started the Watchtower Corporation ?

    C T Russell was someone who got divorced from it would appear a lack of love and attention to his wife and the supposed attention he gave to a younger woman who had lived at his home together with his wife .

    J Rutherford built a lavish home in sunny and warm San Diego and lived with his mistress and personal assistant, separated from his wife. Apparently hoarding and drinking alcohol as well when it was illegal by law to do so.

    Would either of these men qualify to be even elders in today's standards ?

  • sir82

    Would either of these men qualify to be even elders in today's standards ?

    Hmm, alcoholics who are clueless about how to treat their wives & hypocritically maintain a lifestyle they condemn in speech?

    I'd have to say, yes, they meet the qualifications to be an elder.

  • ToesUp
    Great answer sir82! My thoughts exactly!
  • brandnew

    DID SOMEBODY SAY ALCOHOL !!!!!πŸ˜ˆπŸ˜‡πŸ˜ˆπŸ˜‡πŸ˜ˆπŸ˜ˆπŸ˜ˆ


  • TipsyMangoTea

    Mom would probably say, "Well, they were imperfect like King David, but they still brought us the Organization!"

    I agree, Russell and Rutherford would have definitely been elders in our time, maybe they'd be the ones condemning garlic bread in the broadcasts with much zeal, zest and zaniness. =___=;;*

  • sowhatnow

    yea, my mom would say, 'prove it, thats propaganda and lies.'

    that's what she says about everything that isn't printed in a watchtower.

    funny how they can gloss over those faults,

    but its not ok for decent good people to run their own lives and worship in peace.

  • Finkelstein

    The appalling amount of devious underlining corruption, manipulation, exploitation and apathetic opportunistic power cultivating is astounding by these men.

    Because of their personal self avowed voyeurism, thousands of people died and perhaps millions of families were broken apart. Just as many were laid to waste, serving the wants and needs of this indulgently corrupt religious publishing house.

    Disgusting really is the word that comes to mind

  • dozy

    For Russell , Rutherford & Knorr - they basically were the "Faithful and Discreet Slave". They could do anything they liked , were untouchable , and anybody who stood up to them would be kicked out or sent to some miserable "assignment" in a crap job at Bethel or some outpost "special pioneer" assignment in some awful area. Look at how Olin Moyle was treated.

  • JRK

    Here is some background on Rutherford (Farkel would just love to know he is remembered):


  • Finkelstein

    Rutherford was no fool though, he was self avowed opportunistic individual that saw the money and power built around the Watchtower Corporation, that's why he was so ardent into grabbing a hold of the WTS., once he did legally have it to himself, he reflected upon how to keep it financially fluent, that realization concluded into printing more literature and have it distributed by the already retained members of the IBSA.

    The postulation that Jesus had returned and is looking to see who would worthy to be saved and enter into paradise was still used as a vehicle to further proliferate the literature the WTS. published all throughout the 20th century and to this day.

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